Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Friday said that he has not received U.S. Secret Service protection after about three months, alleging that the White House has denied his request.
“Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection,” Mr. Kennedy wrote on Twitter. “But not me.”
The Democratic candidate said “the Biden Administration just denied our request,” adding that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas reportedly told his campaign: “I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F Kennedy Jr is not warranted at this time.”
“Our campaign’s request included a 67-page report from the world’s leading protection firm, detailing unique and well established security and safety risks aside from commonplace death threats,” Mr. Kennedy added, noting that the “typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests” is about two weeks.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Mr. Mayorkas, and other administration officials have not publicly commented on Mr. Kennedy’s statements on Friday. The Epoch Times has contacted DHS for comment.
During the 1968 presidential campaign, Mr. Kennedy’s father, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, was assassinated at a Los Angeles hotel. Officials have blamed communist sympathizer and pro-Palestinian activist Sirhan Sirhan for his death, but the younger Kennedy has long said that he believes other individuals were involved in his father’s death.
What the Agency Says
“As defined in statute, the term ’major presidential and vice presidential candidates’ means those individuals identified as such by the Secretary of Homeland Security after consultation with an advisory committee,” its website adds.
It further noted that Mr. Mayorkas is the sole official who determines who can qualify as a major candidate and if such protection should commence under the U.S. Code. An advisory committee with the House speaker, House minority whip, Senate majority leader, and the Senate minority leader can also help make such determinations, the website says.

“This determination is made in consultation with an advisory committee comprised of the following individuals: Speaker of the House, House Minority Whip, Senate Majority Leader Senate Minority Leader One additional member chosen by the committee.
Other Claims
Earlier this year, Mr. Kennedy drew headlines when he made claims about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, alleging that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was at least partially responsible for his uncle’s death. The initial Warren Commission Report found that Lee Harvey Oswald, who was shot and killed about two days after the Kennedy assassination, was the lone gunman—but later congressional reports and independent research have cast significant doubt on that claim.The CIA, meanwhile, has denied any involvement in the 35th president’s killing. An article published on the agency’s website says that allegations of CIA involvement were a “lie” that was concocted by foreign intelligence services such as the Soviet Union’s KGB. It also cast aspersions against director Oliver Stone’s 1991 film, “JFK,” which suggested that the CIA and other U.S. officials were involved.
The four bullets that actually his father were fired “from within a few inches, with two leaving gun powder residue in the wounds, suggesting that the assassin was standing close behind my father, shielding his weapon with his body while all attention focused on Sirhan,” he alleged in an article published in the San Francisco Chronicle.