California has put forward a proposal to convert domestic and industrial wastewater into a “climate-resilient” drinking water source even as safety concerns remain regarding its consumption.
Darrin Polhemus, deputy director for the Division of Drinking Water, insists that the recycled water is of “higher quality and lower risk than many traditional drinking water sources.” The board intends to consider adopting the regulations by the end of this year.
In the state of Florida, reclaimed water has been used for more than four decades for non-drinking purposes. However, such water must not be used for drinking or sanitary purposes “because of its composition,” the university post warned.
The quality of water treatment is also a critical factor. In case the treatment processes at the water treatment plant are not rigorous, the recycled water will certainly contain contaminants that make it unsafe for drinking.
Government Policies and Water Shortage
The wastewater recycling project is part of Newsom’s “Water Supply Strategy” (pdf) for California, published in August last year. Even as the strategy blames water shortages in the state on “warming climate,” experts point at government policies.Major dams and reservoirs in California that serve the state’s citizens were built in the last century, Barbre said. “If you look at our infrastructure, major facilities, the last major reservoir was built by metropolitan in Southern California 1999 … We really have not kept up with the population growth.”
“It’s not that we don’t have enough water. We’re not managing the water we have well.” She pointed out that a vast amount of water is wasted every year by releasing it into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta due to a mandate by the state’s environmental policy, which insists that the move is necessary to protect endangered fish.
During the water year October 2021 to September 2022, Burke says 4.5 million acre-feet of water was released into the ocean. “That is 4.5 million football fields full of water a foot deep. That is enough for 12 million Californians.”
The state was suffering from severe drought throughout the earlier part of the year. An exceptionally wet season prevented the deterioration of the situation starting from mid-March.
By April, reservoirs were filled again following multiple atmospheric river storms and cyclones that covered parts of the state in snow.
Wastewater Recycling Plan
Newsom’s “Water Supply Strategy” aims to recycle and reuse at least 800,000 acre-feet of water per year by 2030 and an additional 1.8 million acre-feet by 2040, with most of the recycling involving direct wastewater discharges that now go into the ocean.As of August 2022, around 1.5 million acre-feet per year of treated wastewater was being discharged into the ocean waters. State regulations already allow communities to use recycled water for drinking through aquifers and reservoirs.
This year, the state water board is expected to propose regulations for wastewater treatment that will allow for recycled water to be distributed by suppliers without having to first put them into reservoirs or aquifers.
The strategy expects the 2030 water recycling target to cost around $10 billion. For the 2040 goal, costs are projected to be around $27 billion.