Rapper Jim Jones Offers Colin Kaepernick a Job

Rapper Jim Jones Offers Colin Kaepernick a Job
Rapper Jim Jones during the Rock the Bells Festival press conference and Fan Appreciation Party in New York City. Photo by Mike Lawrie/Getty Images
Colin Fredericson

New part owner of the Richmond Roughriders, rapper Jim Jones, offered Colin Kaepernick a position in his new arena football venture.

TMZ Sports approached Jim Jones and asked him if he has a job for Kaepernick.

“Kap listen man if you want to keep your skills up to par come on down to Roughriders,” said Jones to TMZ. “We got a couple dollars too. We can talk about some business. I think the world would pay to watch you play in any form of football, so I got a platform for you.”

The Richmond Roughriders are an arena football team based in Virginia. The team was founded earlier this year and played in the Arena Pro Football league. They won the league championship, and Jones performed at halftime of the championship game, Richmond Times-Dispatch reported. What he witnessed at the game inspired him to become part owner.
Since choosing to end his contract with the 49ers in 2016, Kaepernick’s efforts to get picked up by another NFL team have not been fruitful. He brought a lawsuit against NFL management and owners, accusing them of acting together to keep him out of a job, SB Nation reported.
Jones joins Gregg Fornario and Michael Kacor as part of the ownership team, according to a press release.

“He enables us to introduce the hard-hitting, fast-paced game of arena football to the hip-hop culture,” said team owner and general manager Gregg Fornario, via the Times-Dispatch. “He’s also going to help us brand the Richmond Roughriders name not just in the community but nationwide.”

The Roughriders will play as part of the new American Arena League next year. The AAL absorbed teams from Arena Pro Football and other leagues, according to an interview with Fornario on the Richmond Roughriders YouTube channel.

The Roughriders went undefeated in the regular season. The team’s next season begins in March 2018. They will compete in the new league of 12 teams, according to the press release.

Jim Jones also extended an invitation to troubled former Cleveland Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel in the TMZ interview. He joked that the Richmond Coliseum has a bar and Manziel could drink before games, alluding to Manziel’s struggles with substance abuse.

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Colin Fredericson
Colin Fredericson
Colin is a New York-based reporter. He covers Entertainment, U.S., and international news. Besides writing for online news outlets he has worked in online marketing and advertising, done voiceover work, and has a background in sound engineering and filmmaking. His foreign language skills include Spanish and Chinese.