Prosecutors Move to Seize NXIVM Properties Allegedly Used for Sex Trafficking

Prosecutors Move to Seize NXIVM Properties Allegedly Used for Sex Trafficking
Actress Allison Mack, known for her role in the TV series "Smallville", departs after being granted bail following being charged with sex trafficking and conspiracy in New York, U.S., April 24, 2018. (REUTERS/Lucas Jackson)
Ivan Pentchoukov

New York prosecutors filed a court complaint on Wednesday to seize two properties owned by the NXIVM secret society, alleging that the buildings were used for sex trafficking.

In the complaint filed in New York’s Eastern District court, prosecutors demand to seize two residences in Halfmoon, New York, where Keith Raniere, the secret society’s “master,” lived with several of his female “slaves” and other NXIVM members.

One of the properties, described as the Grenadier Court Property, was the residence of “Smallville” actress and NXIVM member Allison Mack. Raniere lived at the other property, referred to as the Hale Drive Property, which he called “The Library.” The two houses are a short walk apart and a 15-minute drive from the NXIVM headquarters in Albany.

The ownership of one of the properties was traced to Nancy Salzman, one of the most senior members of NXIVM.

The civil complaint details the plight of Jane Doe 1, who began taking NXIVM classes around 2015. In 2016, Jane Doe 1 was recruited by Mack into the secret society within NXIVM called DOS or “The Vow.”

Similar to other victims, Jane Doe 1 was required to surrender compromising information about herself and vow to become Mack’s slave in order to join. After Jane Doe 1 joined, Mack asked for more compromising material, including nude photos.

Eventually, Mack ordered Jane Doe 1, like other victims, to meet with Raniere and promise to do anything he asked. The meeting developed into a series of sexual encounters at the Hale Drive Property, the complaint alleges. Jane Doe 1 was afraid that failure to participate would lead to the release of compromising material she gave up to Mack.

Mack told Jane Doe 1 to travel to Halfmoon on a regular basis and eventually had trouble paying for the trips. Raniere then gave her money to cover the travel costs.

The complaint reveals Raniere’s anxiety about security at the Hale Drive Property. He required that the shades be drawn at all times and told Jane Doe 1 to cover up her footprints if she walked to the house in the snow. Multiple witnesses reported that there were cameras outside the property, the complaint states.

The court filing also details devious communications between Mack and Raniere regarding their slaves.

“On one occasion, Jane Doe 1 saw a text exchange on Mack’s phone between Raniere and Mack, in which Mack, sent a nude photo she had just taken of all of the slaves on Jane Doe 1’s level and Raniere wrote back, ‘All mine?’ with a smiling devil emoticon,” the complaint states.

After senior members of NXIVM left the secret society in 2017 without having their collateral released, Jane Doe 1 thought she could also escape. When she told Mack about her intentions, Mack and other slaves mounted a two-hour intervention to berate her about leaving.

After the intervention, Raniere demanded that Jane Doe 1 pay him back the money he gave her for travel expenses.

Raniere and Mack were indicted on sex trafficking charges last month. Mack was released on $5 million bond. Raniere remains behind bars.

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Ivan is the national editor of The Epoch Times. He has reported for The Epoch Times on a variety of topics since 2011.