Three suspects in the slaying of pregnant teen Marlen Ochoa-Lopez, whose baby was forcibly removed from her womb, lured her to a home with a photo album before strangling her and extracting the child.
Yavani Yadiel Lopez, the baby born to Chicago woman Marlen Ochoa-Lopez, who was found dead last week, is brain dead at Christ Hospital where his family has made the move to keep him on life support, according to reports.

According to CNN, the prime suspect, 46-year-old Clarisa Figueroa, distracted Ochoa-Lopez at her home before she killed the teen, officials said.
Her daughter, 24-year-old Desiree Figueroa, was also charged with murder in the attack, which, according to Chicago Police, took place on April 23.
After they killed the teen, Clarisa Figueroa pretended the child belonged to her and was planning to raise him as her own, the network reported. Her own son died last year, said authorities.
Fake Pregnancy
What’s more, Clarisa Figueroa, at the age of 45, announced to her family seven months ago that she was pregnant. They found it unusual, The Chicago Tribune reported, as she had her fallopian tubes tied.Over the next few months, she posted photos on Facebook of a nursery, an ultrasound, and a crib. She said she named the child Xander after her 20-year-old son, who had died last year.

They first met with Ochoa-Lopez around April 1, though she left unharmed that day. Desiree Figueroa had told her boyfriend about her mother’s intention to kill Ochoa-Lopez, and he warned her he would call police if they harmed the young woman. The prosecutor said Clarisa Figueroa later told the boyfriend the whole scheme had been an April Fool’s joke, AP reported.
Police did not connect Ochoa-Lopez’s disappearance and the 911 call about the baby until May 7, when friends of the teen directed detectives to her social media account, which showed she had communicated with Clarisa Figueroa.