The viral post received more than 3.3 million views and more than 8,000 comments. The vast majority of the comments were negative. Commenting later was restricted to only people followed by Planned Parenthood on the social media platform or mentioned in the post.

Planned Parenthood also has promoted sexual libertinism recently.
In a July 11 post on Twitter, Planned Parenthood shared an image with a stop sign reading, “Stop Kink Shaming.”
Around the stop sign, the tweet displayed four different kinds of sexual devices with uses too graphic to describe, including those used in sexual masochism and sexual sadism.
But to Planned Parenthood, those practices should be accepted.
“Don’t yuck someone else’s yum—everyone deserves the freedom to explore their own sexuality free of shame and stigma,” the post reads.
As of July 20, the post had received 1.8 million views. Twitter users blasted the missive that encourages the acceptance of sexual kink as normal.
“Remember when people kept their sex life private? Those were good days,” one commenter wrote.
“Some kinks need to be shamed, especially when they’re performed in front of children,” another wrote.
“We’re America’s most trusted provider of sexual and reproductive health care, and we think we look pretty good for over 100 years old,” the group’s Twitter biography reads.
More Than Just Abortions
In addition to abortions, Planned Parenthood provides birth control, treatment for sexual diseases, and other medical procedures. But the organization also focuses on many radical gender ideology issues.Its website’s “Learn” page includes tabs for “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and “sex, pleasure, and sexual dysfunction.”
On the “Sex and Pleasure” page, Planned Parenthood recommends viewing pornography, engaging in sexting, and participating in a host of other practices.

On “gender identity,” Planned Parenthood explains on its website, “There’s a lot more to being male, female, or any gender than the sex assigned at birth. Your biological or assigned sex does not always tell your complete story.”
People should “fight gender stereotypes” by doing things not normally associated with their gender, the site reads.
The site also tells readers that they can be any of “a bunch of identities associated with sexual orientation.”
Planned Parenthood glorifies “coming out” sexually as an exciting ceremony that initiates can plan, announce, and execute.
“Coming out is a very brave thing to do, and it’s extremely personal and different for everyone,” the website reads.
Planned Parenthood likely supports sexual activities like kink because it leads to pregnancy, and then abortions, according to Protect Human Life Florida chairman Mark Minck.
“They’re fanning these flames that just lead to more unplanned pregnancies, and then they step in with their ’services,' and they have the audacity to refer to it as health care,” Mr. Minck told The Epoch Times.
By talking about the pleasure of sexual activities with teenagers, Planned Parenthood likely lures children into teen pregnancy, he said.
“It’s like me taking a bunch of young teenage boys, and then saying, ‘Hey, listen, the decision of whether to drink alcohol shouldn’t be pressured. But hey, look at this bar I’ve got set up here! Come on over. Check this out.’
Sex Instructions for Teens
Planned Parenthood’s website targets teenagers with sexual advice.“The definition of virginity is complicated, and it’s really up to you to decide what you believe,” the site reads.
“Some people don’t even care what ‘virginity’ means or think it matters. Stressing about whether you’re a virgin is way less important than how you feel about your sexual experiences. Ask yourself: are you happy with the sexual experiences you’ve had or decided not to have?”
On pornography, Planned Parenthood advises teens to “talk with an adult you trust about it, like a parent, teacher, counselor, or close relative to help you think through what you saw, and what’s safe and appropriate for your age.”

A man watching violent pornography is “learning that the subjects enjoy and desire this treatment and is thereby being taught that he has permission to act this way himself,” the analysis reads.
But Planned Parenthood’s website advises teens, “Try to listen and keep an open mind.”
Planned Parenthood also advises teens to seek advice on announcing an LGBT identity to a “counselor, social worker, teacher, or supportive family member,” instead of a parent.
Finally, Planned Parenthood refers sexuality-questioning teens to Q Chat Space, an online feature that allows users who say they’re between 13 and 19 to meet in online “chatrooms.”
Q Chat Space includes a button that can quickly close the website and automatically replace it with a Google Search page to hide it from anyone who may walk by. It also has a feature that allows children to hide online messages from their parents.
The site doesn’t verify a user’s identity or age. The Epoch Times created a fake account with a fake zip code in just a few minutes.
The site could be a risk to child safety.
“That’s because lonely children are twice as likely to be groomed online,” according to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children of the United Kingdom.
In the survey of children aged 11–17, 4 percent said they'd “sent, received, or been asked to send sexual messages to an adult.” That number climbed to 9 percent in children “who felt lonely, unhappy, were extroverted, and who rely on social media.”