Pictures captured by a surveillance camera inside a Texas Walmart on Aug. 3 showed the man who is suspected of shooting dead over a dozen people before being captured.
The man, who is reportedly 21-year-old Patrick Crusius, is seen carrying a rifle into the Walmart.
He was wearing tan pants, a black t-shirt, safety glasses, and hearing protection.
The photographs were published by the KTSM broadcaster and have not been released publicly by the El Paso Police Department. KTSM said it obtained the photos from a law enforcement source.
The suspected shooter entered Walmart around 10 a.m. local time.
About an hour later, the department urged people to avoid the area, which includes the Cielo Vista Mall, as it responded to an active shooter situation.
“We don’t believe there’s anybody outstanding, so we are starting to secure the scene,” Enrique Carillo said.

He said 911 calls started flooding in, prompting law enforcement teams to respond to the Walmart. There were later reports of shooters inside the mall.
Carillo later said there were over 20 casualties—which can refer to dead or wounded—and KTSM reported that 18 people were shot dead.
Some of them were pronounced dead, he added.
Video footage showed at least four ambulances near the Walmart and, later, multiple ambulances pulled into the hospital.
“Family members who are here may actually have family members at other hospitals, such as Del Sol,” Mielke added.