One Killed, 14 Injured In Illegal South Carolina Concert Shooting

One Killed, 14 Injured In Illegal South Carolina Concert Shooting
Police tape is seen in this stock photo. Carl Ballou/Shutterstock
The Daily Caller News Foundation

One teenager died and 14 people were injured when an unidentified gunman opened fire on an illegal concert in North Charleston, South Carolina, Saturday, an ABC affiliate reported.

Law enforcement officials suspect the involvement of multiple gunmen, though no suspects were identified and the motive remains unclear, ABC News 4 reported. An unnamed 14-year-old girl died of her injuries and several others were found suffering from gunshot wounds.

“Something happened here that should have never happened. They should have never been set up in the first place here,” North Charleston Police Chief Reggie Burgess said during a Sunday press conference. “That young girl lost her life and 14 other people got victimized.”

The shooting occurred after an altercation near the stage, authorities said, ABC News 4 reported. Burgess said the unauthorized event was set up like a concert within the neighborhood where organizers illegally sold alcohol on private property.

“We in law enforcement had no clue about this, if we would have, we probably would have been able to save lives,” Burgess said.

A reporter asked whether there was some form of security at the event as advertised on the flyer and Burgess confirmed there was a security presence during the Sunday press conference.

Law enforcement officials investigated the scene until around 5 a.m. Sunday morning, Burgess said. Crime scene technicians from the Berkeley County Police Department assisted with the investigation.

The North Charleston Police Department did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

By Kaylee Greenlee 
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