Oklahoma Pipeline Explodes, Prompting Evacuation of Nearby Residents


A natural gas pipeline in Oklahoma exploded on Wednesday, triggering a massive fire and prompting authorities to evacuate nearby residents, local media reported.

The explosion, which happened in Piedmont, Oklahoma, a city about 20 miles northwest of Oklahoma City, was the result of a rupture in a high-pressure underground natural gas pipeline, said Piedmont Fire Chief, Andy Logan in a telephone call with Reuters.

Eyewitness video showed a massive fireball burning from several dozen meters away.

“We drive up on it after checking cattle and felt the heat and ground rumble. The explosion is three miles from our house,” said Jenise Jech Culp, a nearby resident who filmed the video.

Skies in Piedmont glowed with an orange hue as the fire could be seen from miles away.

Fire authorities told local media that crew were evacuating people near the area of fire, but did not provide an exact tally of evacuees.

The responsible party for the pipeline has shut off the gas supply, Logan said, adding that the fire has been contained.