Northern California Live Updates Week of September 14

Northern California Live Updates Week of September 14
Northern California Live Updates
Epoch Times Staff

This page covers general news updates weekly, in addition to the coverage of the CCP virus* outbreak in Northern California.

For more news related to the CCP virus, see The Epoch Times special coverage of the CCP virus outbreak.
Californians may check CalFire’s website for fires and containment statuses. People may also sign up for alerts in their county. People can visit to check air quality status throughout the day. It is updated hourly.
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Click here to see archived updates and here for the previous updates on the early CCP virus situation.
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September 18

  • A Spare the Air Alert was issued for Sept. 19 as smoke from fires will cause poor air quality.
  • Santa Clara County reclassifies first responders as public safety dispatchers.
  • The City of Santa Clara warns residents about potential fake political surveys by text message, email, and phone that the city did not initiate.
  • San Francisco is coming up with a safety plan to help restaurants reopen.
  • A man in West Sacramento has been charged with attempted murder.

September 17

  • San Jose will start a $14 million electric vehicle charging station incentive project starting Dec. 16.
  • Bradshaw Animal Shelter in Sacramento County is starting a Dog Day Out Program. It allows people to check out a dog for the day to give dog shelters a break.
  • Santa Cruz County will extend price-gouging prohibitions through Oct. 18.
  • Starting Sept. 20, Santa Cruz County’s Recovery Resource Center will reduce hours.
  • Spare the Air days end after 30 continuous days.

September 16

  • San Mateo County removed all evacuation warnings.
  • Contra Costa Health Services recommends safe ways to celebrate Halloween.
  • Sonoma County has started Phase I of Household Hazardous Waste Sweeps for structures damaged by the Meyers and Walbridge fires.
  • Santa Cruz County announced several changes to help fire evacuees recover and rebuild. Those include prohibiting price-gouging for goods, services or housing and extended hotel stays.
  • Lovers Point Beach in Monterey is under advisory due to high levels of bacteria.
  • Monterey County releases a recommended protocol to help people safely clean up their homes from the fire.

September 15

  • Tang Juan, the researcher accused of concealing her ties to the Chinese military, was released on bail on Sept. 10. The lawyer who bailed her out is Steven Cui, a Chinese immigrant.
  • Santa Rosa City requests public help to decide how to allocate $95 million of PG&E settlement funds.
  • Santa Cruz started its annual San Lorenzo River Maintenance Project to manage floods.
  • San José Fire Department announced a new Fire Station 37 that will be built near the Willow Glen Community Center.
  • San Mateo County honors Cal Fire, first responders, and volunteers for their efforts battling the CZU Lightning Complex fires.
  • Santa Cruz County prohibits debris removal until owners receive a hazard assessment and approval from environmental health authorities.

September 14

  • President Donald Trump visits California to be briefed on the wildfires.
  • San Francisco allows more activities like indoor gyms, indoor personal care, tourist hotels, and additional outdoor activities to resume.
  • Contra Costa County has announced that it will align with California’s COVID-19 Blueprint to have the same reopening rules for businesses and activities.
  • Santa Cruz County has announced a disaster recovery assistance station in the San Lorenzo Valley on Sept. 14–15.
  • Mendocino County Library has commemorated the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment through a book set giveaway.
*The Epoch Times refers to the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic.