A member of the New York State Assembly has joined the ranks of public officials who acknowledge the Tuidang Movement as “one of the most peaceful and important initiatives in human civilization.” Tuidang means quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and is arguably the largest grassroots movement in human history with 400 million participants and growing.

An Oath to the CCP
Unlike the pledge of allegiance in the United States that is to the country and not any political party, the CCP makes people pledge loyalty to the communist party. The ceremony usually involves a number of people standing facing the communist hammer and sickle flag and with a fist raised by their head. People then recite a vow to devote their entire life to communism and be ready to die for the CCP.This pledge can be given by children in China as young as 5 years old when they begin attending elementary school.

Gandolfo’s citation says, “Chinese people have lived through decades of mind control, brainwashing, and terror under the CCP. In communist China, from childhood to middle school, high school, and university, a Chinese person may have joined and pledged allegiance to one or more of CCP’s organizations, otherwise one may find oneself at risk of being excluded from the mainstream society. When they do they take this oath, it is not to china, but to the CCP.”
Renouncing the Pledge
In November 2004, the Chinese language edition of The Epoch Times published “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” an editorial series that provides a comprehensive look back at the CCP’s history and fully exposes its wickedness. “We hope that those who are still deceived by the CCP will now see its nature clearly, purge its poison from their spirits, extricate their minds from its evil control, free themselves from the shackles of terror, and abandon for good all illusions about it.”The series triggered the Tuidang Movement, in which people denounced and severed their ties to the CCP and its affiliated organizations, effectively removing the oath from their lives.

Peaceful Movement
By August 2022, 400 million Chinese people have quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. The Citation calls it a “grand milestone.”“For the last 18 years, hundreds of thousands of its volunteers, both in china and overseas, have distributed the Nine Commentaries and helped the Chinese people renounce the CCP. This movement has reached a grand milestone—400 million Chinese people have quite the CCP. It’s been one of the most peaceful and important initiatives in human civilization.”
Meanwhile, the Nine Commentaries has been translated into 33 languages and published in book form.
“The CCP is not only destroying the Chinese culture and persecuting the Chinese people, it is gaining control of the world via infiltration and demoralization of the western societies,” said Yi Rong, “and that’s why the world’s people should know about the evil of communism and reject it in their own ways.”

The Tuidang Center initiated a global petition calling for an end to the CCP. As of September 2022, almost 3 million signatures from around the world supporting the petition are on EndCCP.com.
Behind the Numbers
Wang He, a political commentator at the Chinese edition of The Epoch Times, published his analysis of the tuidang numbers.The CCP puts its membership at around 100 million; yet 400 million plus people have quit the CCP. Wang He said that this number is the sum of those who have quit the CCP, the Chinese Communist Youth League, and the Young Pioneers League over 18 years. The 100 million CCP members do not include those who are members of its other organizations.

Based on the official numbers, Wang He estimates there were 0.928 billion people aged 6 to 14 who joined the Young Pioneers League, 0.23 billion people aged 14 to 28 who joined the Communist Youth, and 0.11 billion people aged 18 and up who joined the Communist Party, between 2004 and 2021. Of course, a person can join multiple organizations, so there is some overlap in the numbers.
A very rough estimate puts the total number of people who are members of one or more CCP organizations at 1 billion.
Therefore, it is easy to understand that 40 percent (400 million) have quit one or more CCP organizations.
The number is tallied and displayed by a counter on the tuidang website. But, to see the numbers, a person in China has to use software to bypass the firewall set up in the CCP’s internet blockade.
The majority of the tuidang volunteers are Falun Gong practitioners who risk their lives to help people to quit the CCP. They believe that there are many more people who wish to denounce the CCP but aren’t yet included on the tuidang website.

The tuidang movement has been ongoing for 18 years. It took 6 years and 9 months to reach the first milestone of 100 million people quitting the CCP in August 2011; 3 years and 8 months to reach 200 million (April 2015), 2 years and 11 months to reach 300 million (March 2018), and 4 years 5 months to record 400 million withdrawals (August 2022).