“For example, after accounting for all tax deductions and credits, filers with an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $40,000 to $50,000 received an average tax cut of 18.2 percent.
“The IRS data further show that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act appeared to have a strong upward effect on economic mobility. The number of filers with an adjusted gross income of $1 to $25,000 decreased by more than 2 million in just one year, while the number of households reporting incomes higher than $25,000 increased in every income bracket.
“The most significant increase occurred in the $100,000 to $200,000 bracket, which included more than 1 million additional filers in 2018 than it did in 2017.
“The IRS data also revealed that higher-income earners paid an even larger share of the total tax burden in 2018 than they did in 2017, indicating that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act may have made the tax code slightly more progressive.”
The Epoch Times requested comment on the Haskins analysis on Dec. 7 from multiple Democratic leaders, but none of their spokesmen were willing to respond. The Epoch Times also provided a copy of Haskins’s dataset along with an invitation to provide comments on both his methodology and the results.

Democratic leaders who were contacted included President Joe Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.), and House Financial Services Chairman Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

The then-Senate minority leader also said: “Do millionaires need a tax cut at all? Are they doing so poorly? Is there any study that shows this kind of tax cut will make them work harder or create more jobs? No. None.”
Republicans weren’t hesitant to respond when The Epoch Times sought their comments.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) told The Epoch Times that “the Republican-led tax cuts undisputedly delivered more money in the pockets of the American people. Just in the first year after the 2017 law was enacted, Americans making $50,000 or less saw a tax cut of up to 26 percent.
“This stands in stark contrast to Democrats’ radical reconciliation bill, which would raise taxes on 30 percent of middle-class families. It would also unleash 87,000 more IRS bureaucrats to squeeze out more money from American workers, including families making $75,000 or less—all while giving big tax breaks to millionaires in blue states. House Republicans stand united against this bill because this bill stands against middle-class American families.”
Preston Brashers, senior policy analyst for the Herman Tax Policy Center at the Heritage Foundation told The Epoch Times that “Heritage has looked at the issue by income percentiles and reached very similar conclusions. Any honest look at the data reveals one thing: Taxpayers in the middle- and lower-income groups saw huge direct benefits from the Trump tax cuts. The idea that this was mostly just a tax cut for the rich is clearly refuted by the data.”

“Median real weekly earnings took off between 2017 and 2019 after mostly stagnating for the past 20 years. Unemployment was at a near 50-year low; labor force participation was rising, reversing a persistent downward trend. A strong economy made American lives better across the board.”
In a related development on the Senate side, a National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesman condemned Biden’s Build Back Better tax and spending proposal that restores a full deduction known as the State and Local Tax credit for state-level taxes paid. The deduction mainly benefits high-income residents of high-tax Democratic states like New York, California, and New Jersey.