National Right-to-Work Chief Challenges Biden to Disavow Support From Corrupt UAW

National Right-to-Work Chief Challenges Biden to Disavow Support From Corrupt UAW
Rory Gamble, acting head of the United Auto Workers union, answers questions in Southfield, Mich. on Nov. 6, 2019. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File)
Mark Tapscott
Former Vice President Joe Biden should disavow the support he has received as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee from the United Auto Workers (UAW), according to National Right to Work Committee (NRTW) President Mark Mix.

“Ten senior officials of the UAW have pled guilty to federal crimes, including embezzlement, racketeering, and labor law violations,” Mix told Biden in a July 15 letter obtained by The Epoch Times.

“Former UAW President Gary Jones, who himself only pled guilty just over two months ago, admitted to ‘scheming with at least six [ ... ] union officials’ to spend over a million dollars in union treasury money, much of it forced dues extracted from workers in non-Right-to-Work states,” Mix wrote.

Mix said it’s important for Biden to disavow UAW support because the continuing corruption probe by the Department of Justice “has uncovered shocking corruption and rampant misconduct in the UAW, spanning at least a decade.”

“The current UAW top brass’ failure to cooperate is likely to lead to a government takeover of the union, much like what happened to the Teamsters just over 30 years ago,” Mix said.

“Disturbingly, however, it seems as though UAW officials are deliberately stalling in a cynical ploy to ‘run out the clock’ on the Trump Justice Department, in the hopes that your administration will let them off the hook.”

Mix says it’s thus no coincidence that UAW officials “are currently spending millions to get you elected. Ordinary Americans have ample reason to suspect that there is a connection between UAW President Rory Gamble’s enthusiastic endorsement of your presidential bid on April 21 and his nonchalance in the face of U.S. Attorney Schneider’s warnings about a federal takeover of the UAW.”

Matthew Schneider leads the DOJ investigation and prosecution of the UAW.

A media spokesman for didn’t immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment.
Gamble said in his April endorsement of Biden: “In these dangerous and difficult times, the country needs a president who will demonstrate clear, stable leadership, less partisan acrimony, and more balance to the rights and protections of working Americans.

“UAW Members need a federal government that ensures that members have both a good job to go to, and that they come home to their families at night having earned a fair day’s wage in a safe and secure place.”

The UAW has long been one of the Democratic Party’s most dependable sources for contributions and campaign volunteers. Thus far in the 2020 campaign, the UAW has made nearly $2.7 million in contributions, with 98 percent of the total going to Democrats, according to
As The Epoch Times reported in June, former UAW President Gary Jones confessed to conspiring with other top officials of the storied labor organization to embezzle more than $1 million in member dues in an attempt to further racketeering and tax evasion activities.
Jones, 63, “pled guilty to one count of conspiring to embezzle UAW dues money and conspiring to use a facility of interstate commerce to aid racketeering crimes between 2010 and September 2019,” the DOJ announced June 3.

“He also pled guilty to a separate count of conspiring to defraud the United States by evading the payment of taxes on embezzled funds and causing the UAW to file false tax returns during the same period of time,” the DOJ said.

Mix warns Biden that “if you are elected, a refusal to stand up to the UAW would taint your Justice Department from day one, sending a clear message to American workers that union boss malfeasance will continue to go unpunished so long as Big Labor has greased the right palms.”

Twenty-seven of the nation’s 50 states have Right-to-Work laws guaranteeing individual workers the right to keep their jobs without being forced to pay union dues.

Contact Mark Tapscott at [email protected]
Mark Tapscott is an award-winning senior Congressional correspondent for The Epoch Times. He covers Congress, national politics, and policy. Mr. Tapscott previously worked for Washington Times, Washington Examiner, Montgomery Journal, and Daily Caller News Foundation.
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