A mountain lion entered a house in California, shocking the residents, who called the authorities.
Deputies with the Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Office responded.
Deputies and officers with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife were able to get the animal out of the house after it was cornered in a bathroom on the second floor.
“We were just watching television and then all of a sudden, we heard a big bang,” Sudduth said.
The mountain lion ran into his wife Kathy, 87, before it went into the bathroom.
“I was very cognizant of what was going on but I knew what to do,” Sudduth said, noting the couple locked themselves in a room and called 911.
“911 had a hard time understanding what I was talking about because I probably was jabbering a lot,” Sudduth said.
The population of mountain lions has been increasing in California and encounters with humans are becoming more frequent as more of the state is developed.
“Mountain lions that threaten people are immediately killed. Those that prey on pets or livestock can be killed by a property owner after the required permit is secured. Moving problem mountain lions is not an option. It causes deadly territorial conflicts with other mountain lions already there. Or the relocated mountain lion returns,” the department stated.
People living in areas where mountain lions are known to frequent are advised to educate themselves and discuss strategies with their neighbors, not feed deer or other wildlife, not plant plants that deer like, trim brush to reduce hiding places for mountain lions, not leave small children or pets unattended outside, and install motion-sensitive lighting around the house.
People should also provide sturdy, covered shelters for livestock, not let pets outside around dawn and dusk, or when it’s dark out, and not leave pet food out.
If people encounter mountain lions, they shouldn’t run. Stay calm, make noise, and try to make yourself look bigger than you are. Carry bear spray if possible and deploy it if possible.
If the mountain lion attacks, fight back. Potential victims have used rocks, sticks, and garden tools to fight back and have survived.