Moore Accuser Reveals She Added Note To Yearbook Inscription

Moore Accuser Reveals She Added Note To Yearbook Inscription
Attorney Gloria Allred (R) hugs Beverly Young Nelson as she reacts during a press conference on November 13, 2017, in New York. (EDUARDO MUNOZ ALVAREZ/AFP/Getty Images)
The Daily Caller News Foundation

One of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore’s accusers revealed Friday she added to an inscription from Moore in her yearbook she presented as evidence of their relationship.

Beverly Young Nelson’s lawyer initially presented the inscription, including the date, as a message entirely from Moore, but Nelson told ABC she noted the date and time below his inscription.

“He did sign it,” she said in the interview.

“And you made some notes underneath?” the ABC host asked.
 “Yes,” she replied.
Nelson has accused Moore of groping her in the parking lot of a restaurant where she worked.

“Is the party more important really than what happened?” Nelson said. “I feel like my incident is being swept under the rug, literally, because he’s a Republican.”

Attorney Gloria Allred (R) and Beverly Young Nelson hold up a picture showing a message and a signature at a press conference on November 13, 2017. (EDUARDO MUNOZ ALVAREZ/AFP/Getty Images)
Attorney Gloria Allred (R) and Beverly Young Nelson hold up a picture showing a message and a signature at a press conference on November 13, 2017. (EDUARDO MUNOZ ALVAREZ/AFP/Getty Images)

“We’re going to present evidence that we think is important on the issue whether Roy Moore signed the yearbook,” Nelson’s lawyer, Gloria Allred, told ABC News Friday.

Nelson claimed that Moore groped her in the parking lot of a restaurant where she worked in 1977. Moore, 70, would have been 30 at the time of the alleged assault.

Moore has called the signature completely false, and has requested a handwriting expert look at the yearbook.

Moore’s attorney said that he didn’t want to “make any allegations,” but mentioned that the two “77s” signed in the yearbook, should be looked at.

Nelson is reportedly holding a press conference Friday afternoon.

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