Model Goes Viral After Sharing How She Cleared up Severe Acne Using Grocery Store Products

Model Goes Viral After Sharing How She Cleared up Severe Acne Using Grocery Store Products
Cream. _Alicja_/Pixabay

Acne can be quite a headache for some people. Trying to find a skin care routine that works is not easy either.

For Brianna Lopez, finding the right skin care routine for acne has changed her life and also made her an internet sensation.

The young model from Los Angeles was struggling with a bad case of acne and felt “very bothered by it.” She tried using commercial products and visited the dermatologist but nothing had consistently worked for her.

After changing to an all-natural skin care routine with products that could be found at a grocery store, she was surprised at how her skin started to clear in just one week.

Lopez documented her acne clearing journey on Instagram and YouTube and shared step-by-step instructions on what she did to keep the nasty red spots at bay.

She said that although her routine has drastically improved her skin over six months, however, she started feeling comfortable in her skin two and a half months after starting the routine, reported Allure.

“My skin isn’t perfect. But it has come a long way and I want to share the progress with everyone,” she said in her Instagram post

Her before and after photos have stunned the internet garnering over 10,000 likes while her routine has been liked over 16,000 times.

Lopez’s routine consists of six simple steps that involve putting products on her skin and taking care of her general health:

1) Double cleanse with jojoba oil and wipe it off with a hot wash rag.

2) Apply a honey mask mixed with turmeric and cinnamon. Alternative: Apply a sulfur mask and bentonite clay mask.

3) Moisturize with the Shea Terra Organics Rose Hips & Carrot Perfecting Serum and moisturizing Doterra Lavender Oil

4) Spot treat with raw shea butter at night.

5) Use the Raw Elements Eco Formula 30+ Lotion sunblock every day.

6) Take herbal supplements including turmeric, milk thistle, burdock root, and neem leaf. (Research or ask a doctor about which herbs would suit you)

Lopez said she only followed the steps when she had makeup on that day.

“I only re-aply moisturizer and sunblock in the mornings and do the oil cleansing and mask at night IF I had on makeup that day. So if I don’t wear make up for a few days in a row, I just re-apply the two oils and some sunblock in the morning. I think that’s pretty much it,” she said in her Instagram post.

In her honest post, the aspiring model explained why she shared her transformation story and routine.

“I just wanted to make a little post about skin because I’ve struggled with mine so much, and I really feel like I need to stop pretending like I haven’t,” she wrote.

“Especially in the industry I am trying to get into, it can be very deceiving about body image and skin. This is my skin at its worst on the left and now on the right. This was a hard time and I was very bothered by it. Didn’t want to leave my room or even have my own parents look at me,” she added.

Lopez, who is studying to be a nutritionist, also shared what she ate to help her clear her acne.

“I’m also pescatarian so I don’t eat mammal meat but I eat fish. My diet is decent (I’m studying to be a nutritionist) this is what worked for me. I’m not saying that everyone has to do this to have decent skin,” she wrote.

After posting on Instagram, Lopez received many questions from people who wanted to learn more about her skincare secrets which she followed up in a YouTube video.

“This is what worked for me. This isn’t going to work for everyone. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t go to a dermatologist because he can’t help you because for some people it really can help them. It just didn’t work for me,” she said in her YouTube video.

For those who are thinking about giving this routine a try, it is highly recommended that you consult your doctor or dermatologist before trying.
