Man Caught Walking Into St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NY With Full Gas Cans, Lighters

The Associated Press
NEW YORK—Just days after flames ravaged the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, a New Jersey man was arrested Wednesday night after entering St. Patrick’s Cathedral carrying two cans of gasoline, lighter fluid and butane lighters, according to the New York Police Department.

Philosophy Professor, Marc Lamparello, 37, had pulled up in a minivan outside the landmark cathedral on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, walked around the area, then returned to his vehicle at 7:55 p.m. and retrieved the gasoline and lighter fluid, said NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller.

“As he enters the cathedral he’s confronted by a cathedral security officer who asks him where he’s going and informs him he can’t proceed into the cathedral carrying these things,” said Miller. “At that point some gasoline apparently spills out onto the floor as he’s turned around.”

Security then notified officers from the counter-terrorism bureau who were standing outside, Miller said. The officers caught up to the man and arrested him after he was questioned.

“An individual walking into an iconic location like St. Patrick’s Cathedral carrying over four gallons of gasoline, two bottles of lighter fluid and lighters, is something we would have grave concern over,” Miller told reporters outside the cathedral.

St. Patrick's Cathedral is seen in N.Y., on Sept. 6, 2018. (Richard Drew/File via AP)
St. Patrick's Cathedral is seen in N.Y., on Sept. 6, 2018. (Richard Drew/File via AP)

Asked if “terrorism” was a motive in the incident, Miller said it was “too early to say that.”

Miller noted the incident came two days after the much-publicized fire in Paris’ Notre Dame Cathedral.

“This is an indicator of something that would be very suspicious,” he said.

Deputy Commissioner John Miller talking to reporters. (Still image from video via CNN)
Deputy Commissioner John Miller talking to reporters. (Still image from video via CNN)

Three predominantly black churches in Louisiana were burned down between March 26 and April 4.

The man told police he was cutting through the cathedral to get to Madison Avenue from 5th Avenue and his mini van had run out of gasoline, Miller said.

Marc Lamparello's minivan. (Still image from video via CNN)
Marc Lamparello's minivan. (Still image from video via CNN)

“His basic story was he was cutting through the cathedral to get to Madison Avenue. That his car had run out of gas,” Miller said. “We took a look at the vehicle. It was not out of gas and at that point he was taken into custody.”

“It’s hard to say exactly what his intentions were, but I think the totality of circumstances of an individual walking into an iconic location like St. Patrick’s Cathedral carrying over four gallons of gasoline, two bottles of lighter fluid and lighters is something that we would have great concern over,” Miller said. “His story is not consistent.”

Miller said the suspect is known to police, who are currently looking into his background.

St. Patrick’s Cathedral was built in 1878 and has installed a sprinkler-like system during recent renovations. Its wooden roof is also coated with fire retardant.

St. Patrick's Cathedral is seen in N.Y., on Sept. 6, 2018. (Richard Drew/File via AP)
St. Patrick's Cathedral is seen in N.Y., on Sept. 6, 2018. (Richard Drew/File via AP)
Reuters contributed to this report.