Letter to California’s Secretary of State Demands Answers to 2020 Election Irregularities

Letter to California’s Secretary of State Demands Answers to 2020 Election Irregularities
A voter receives assistance from an election worker at a voting center in Grand Central Market in Los Angeles, Calif., on Nov. 3, 2020. Frederic J. Brown/AFP via Getty Images

California Secretary of State Shirley Weber has received a letter from Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa)—a non-profit and non-partisan watchdog organization that demands answers to irregularities in the state’s 2020 elections.

The letter (pdf), sent June 17 from EIPCa President and co-founder Linda Paine to the Secretary of State who oversees the California Elections Division office, is based on an analysis of VoteCal voter registration information and voting history files of Feb. 9, 2021, and is also a summation of EIPCa’s findings report released June 17.

The election findings reported to Weber come only after EIPCa reported issues on April 30 and May 18 on 2020 cross-state voting. The June 17 demand letter seeks answers on over 2 million documented registration and voting anomalies.

The demand letter follows the EIPCa reports sent to the California Elections Division Office “that were ignored” claims Paine. The June report also cites California’s election code that requires officials to provide timely answers to citizens’ questions.

EIPCa seeks answers to the following questions, on behalf of California voters:
  1. Why are there almost 124,000 more votes counted in California’s November 3, 2020 election than voters recorded as voting in that election?
  2. Why do more than 7,700 voters have two November 3, 2020 votes credited to their voting histories?
  3. Why does California have 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible citizens and why did this overage rise 72% in the 2020 election cycle?
  4. Why did California’s on-line and DMV registration systems change 33,000 foreign-born voters’ birthplaces of record to “California” or “United States”, potentially masking non-citizens unlawfully registered to vote?
“Many in the nation are questioning the validity of the 2020 general election in their states,” said Paine. “Mass irregularities in California’s registration and voting numbers continue to erode voter confidence here and we are hopeful Secretary Weber will immediately address our questions.”