Jordan Peterson Answers Audience’s Most Pressing Questions at Anaheim’s Honda Center

Jordan Peterson Answers Audience’s Most Pressing Questions at Anaheim’s Honda Center
Jordan Peterson, professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. Courtesy of Jordan Peterson

After gaining international acclaim for his philosophical commentary on deeply contested issues, Dr. Jordan Peterson—clinical psychologist, professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, and author of the multi-million copy bestseller “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos”—has embarked on a worldwide lecture tour selling out stadiums where attendees ask him their most pressing questions.

He spoke Nov. 3 at the Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., where more than 250 audience members submitted questions heavy on their minds.

A view of the Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., on Jan. 18, 2021. (Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images)
A view of the Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., on Jan. 18, 2021. Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images

One high schooler asked whether they should attend college if they felt it wasn’t the “right fit,” to which Peterson gave a nearly 15-minute answer.

“The real question is, do you not want to go [to college] because it’s the wrong fit, or because you don’t want to do the work?” Peterson asked.

Ultimately, Peterson said unless the student had a better plan–such as starting a business or attending trade school–college was still the prudent choice.

Another audience member asked Peterson’s opinions on Bitcoin, which elicited both thunderous applause from the audience and a mixed reaction from Peterson.

“On one hand, I like [Bitcoin] because it gives us an alternative to currency like the dollar, which is tyrannically regulated. But on the other, we don’t fully understand how it will shape our world,” he said.

Jordan Peterson talks on stage at the Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., on Nov. 3, 2022. (Carol Cassis/The Epoch Times)
Jordan Peterson talks on stage at the Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., on Nov. 3, 2022. Carol Cassis/The Epoch Times

According to Peterson, cryptocurrency like Bitcoin may positively affect the market by introducing more competition in the currency system, but such changes may have unforeseen and potentially severe consequences, such as market crashes.

Other questions asked included the social and religious implications of raising children.

“I’m an atheist but take my kids to church for the sense of community. What do I tell them when they get older?” another audience member asked.

Peterson said the parent “likely” had substantive reasons for doing so which should be considered.

“There are lots of communities to involve your children in, and I would bet that religious people are likely [the people] you want to socialize your children with,” Peterson said. “Otherwise, why would you choose a church?”

Peterson encouraged the parent to be honest regarding their choice.

“The outcomes that ... these lies produce won’t guide you properly,” he said.

The audience arrives for an event featuring Jordan Peterson at the Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., on Nov. 3, 2022. (Carol Cassis/The Epoch Times)
The audience arrives for an event featuring Jordan Peterson at the Honda Center in Anaheim, Calif., on Nov. 3, 2022. Carol Cassis/The Epoch Times

Over 16,000 guests attended the lecture, many of whom were young males dressed in suits similar to Peterson’s trademark attire.

One such suit-clad fan in attendance was Connor King, an Irvine resident and student at Orange County Community College.

King said he first became a fan of Peterson during the COVID-19 pandemic when he came across the psychologist’s videos online.

“Everything he says just makes sense,” King said. “I’ve gotten some of the best advice just from watching him online.”

Additional upcoming talks by Peterson in Southern California will be held in Riverside on Nov. 9, followed by Inglewood on Nov. 11.