Joe Biden’s Public Approval Falls Near Lowest Level, Polls Show

Joe Biden’s Public Approval Falls Near Lowest Level, Polls Show
U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during an event about lowering health care costs in the East Room of the White House on July 7, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Naveen Athrappully

President Joe Biden’s approval among Americans has slumped to one of its lowest levels while public disapproval has shot up based on recent numbers.

Mr. Biden’s approval among Americans as of Thursday was 40 percent according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll. This is one of his lowest approval rates since becoming president. Mr. Biden’s disapproval rate stood at 54 percent, one of the highest levels. In all four regions—Northeast, Midwest, South, and West—Mr. Biden received a higher disapproval rating than approval. Except for a narrow lead among non-White and college-educated populations, Mr. Biden received more disapproval across demographics based on race, education, gender, age, and income.

The president’s current rating is similar to that of his predecessor Donald Trump who had a 41 percent approval at this point during his presidency.

Mr. Biden’s low approval rating comes as his 2024 presidential rival Mr. Trump is acquiring more supporters. According to a July 11 update from Morning Consult, Mr. Biden only had a narrow one-point lead over Mr. Trump in a hypothetical match-up among the general electorate.

Late last month, Mr. Trump carried a three-point lead over Mr. Biden, the first time that the GOP candidate bested the current president in the Morning Consult poll.

Mr. Biden’s presidential campaign recently revealed that it raised more than $72 million for reelection between April 25 and the end of June. The funds came from nearly 400,000 donors, with 97 percent of donations under $200. Mr. Biden’s 2020 campaign had raised $1 billion in donations.

In the Democratic primaries, Mr. Biden has a big lead over other candidates. According to a Fox News poll (pdf) from late June, 64 percent of respondents chose Mr. Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee. The second-ranked Robert Kennedy Jr. received 17 percent support while Marianne Williamson got the support of 10 percent of voters.
Besides Mr. Biden and Mr. Kennedy, the third candidate who has publicly announced her run for the 2024 presidential elections is Marianne Williamson. Her campaign was unsuccessful in 2020, during which she proposed large-scale financial reparations to black Americans.

Critical Youth Votes

A critical part of who wins the 2024 presidential race could fall on youth votes. In a June 15 blog post, John Della Volpe, an adviser to Mr. Biden, pointed out that when a Democrat presidential nominee garners 60 percent of the youth vote, Democrats win. “Otherwise, it’s ugly for them.”

In 2008, Obama won 66 percent of votes among 18–29-year-olds. In 2012, he received 60 percent of their votes. In 2020, Mr. Biden also won 60 percent of the youth votes. Other candidates like Al Gore, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton failed to meet this target.

Mr. Volpe credits Mr. Biden with flipping five battleground states in 2020 “in large part due to the combination of record-level turnout and youth support.” Even though voters aged 45 and above in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin voted for Mr. Trump in the battle, Mr. Biden got support from the under-30 voters.

In 2022, Democrats once more lost voters aged 45 and above in these states, winning again due to the support among millennial and Zoomer voters.

“Nearly every sign that made me confident in historic levels of youth participation in 2018, 2020, and 2022—is now flashing red,” Volpe wrote. He pointed out that fewer voters in the 18-29 group are now likely to vote or identify as Democrats or liberals.

Citing a Harvard youth poll, Mr.  Volpe noted that the number of young men and women among the black community identifying as Democrats has fallen by a “jaw-dropping” 15 percentage points. Among young Hispanics, Democrats have given up 10 points, he said.

According to a July 4 tweet by interactivePolls, Mr. Trump has more support than Mr. Biden in swing states. While Mr. Trump received the support of 48 percent of voters, Mr. Biden lagged behind at 40 percent.

Trump’s Promises For 2024

As part of his presidential campaign, Mr. Trump has promised to undo most of the leftist agenda pushed forward by Democrats once he is reelected to office in 2024.

Mr. Trump intends to cut federal funding for public schools that teach critical race theory (CRT) and gender ideology. During his presidency, Mr. Trump enforced a ban on CRT training for federal employees, which was rescinded when Mr. Biden became president.

The former president also intends to go after transgender participation in women’s sports. “We will not let men, as an example, participate in women’s sports. Is that OK? No men. No men,” Mr. Trump said in his inaugural campaign speech back in November. “We’ve had tremendous, tremendous problems, and it’s very unfair to women. Just very, very unfair.”

During a speech at the 2023 National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action leadership forum in April, Mr. Trump promised to rescind Mr. Biden’s executive orders that allow the federal government to target the firearms industry.

In an announcement in February, Mr. Trump vowed to protect free speech in America and take action against Big Tech censorship.

Once reelected, Mr. Trump will “ban federal agencies from colluding to censor American citizens, ban taxpayer dollars from being used to label speech as ‘mis-‘ or ‘disinformation’, fire every federal bureaucrat who has engaged in domestic censorship, [and] order the DOJ to investigate all parties involved in online censorship regime and prosecute any and all crimes identified,” the announcement said.

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