“There are many people who are waking up, who are frustrated at the political persecution that President Trump is going through,” she told The Epoch Times.
She praised the U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous March 4 ruling permitting President Trump to remain on ballots across the nation while noting that it was “something that we expected.”
“This is justice for the disenfranchised voters across America,” said Ms. Boebert, who received President Trump’s public support ahead of a June primary that will see her running in a new district, Colorado’s fourth, rather than the third district, which she currently represents.
Ms. Boebert sharply criticized the four justices from the Colorado Supreme Court who ruled last year in favor of removing President Trump from ballots in the state. Every justice on the current court was appointed by a Democrat governor.“They were out of line. They were interfering in an election,” she said. “Anyone voting in favor of this decision is an extremist.”
The 2023 ruling leaned on Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, a post-Civil War amendment to the Constitution originally aimed at former Confederates.
In a 4-3 ruling, the justices determined that the breach of the U.S. Capitol by protesters on Jan. 6, 2021, constituted an “insurrection” and that President Trump engaged in the alleged “insurrection.” That allowed for his disqualification from ballots in Colorado.
A timely appeal by the Colorado Republican Party enabled President Trump’s name to remain on the GOP primary ballot now being voted on in the state.
“In a democracy, you do have the choice to vote for your candidate of choice, and Democrats are the party wanting to remove candidates from our ballots,” Ms. Boebert said.
One of the three justices who bucked the majority decision, Maria Berkenkotter, was appointed by Colorado’s current governor, Jared Polis. Mr. Polis has a reputation for being less left-wing than most Democrats on certain issues.

In a 2022 article for the libertarian journal Reason, Nick Gillespie suggested Mr. Polis could be “the most libertarian governor in America.”
Ms. Boebert did not comment on whether Mr. Polis, who will be term-limited out of office by the state’s constitution in 2026, could be counted on to appoint more moderate justices than some Democrats.
But she noted that Democrats in Congress are still trying to find a way to keep President Trump off the ballot.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), who led the second impeachment of President Trump, told Axios that “Congress will have to try and act” as he works on legislation that will no doubt receive a hostile reception from the Republican majority in the House.
On Democratic Control of Colorado: ‘A Lot of Things ... Have Gone Wrong’
Ms. Boebert also commented on her state’s shift from a battleground state to a strong Democrat territory.Republican George W. Bush won the state twice, in 2000 and 2004, as part of an almost uninterrupted trend extending back to the 1940s. However, John McCain’s loss in 2008 marked the beginning of a shift that has not reversed so far. In the contentious 2020 presidential election, President Biden received more than 55 percent of the vote, while President Trump received less than 42 percent.
Meanwhile, Democrats have commanding majorities in the state House and state Senate, and the governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general, and treasurer are Democrats. Both U.S. senators are Democrats, as is the majority of the U.S. House delegation. All or virtually all those positions were under Republican control two decades ago.
“There’s a lot of things that are that have gone wrong in Colorado, and unfortunately, we have seen a decline in politics in our state,” Ms. Boebert said.
“A lot of that is from the mass exodus of Californians leaving their high taxes and overregulated state and coming here, but unfortunately, they are bringing their politics with them and voting the same way they did there,” she continued.
Ms. Boebert left open the possibility that President Trump has more momentum in Colorado than some might believe.
“I am with the grassroots Coloradans just about every day, and there is tremendous support for President Trump,” she said.

Less Worried About Republicans Losing Educated Voters
In addition to being one of America’s fittest and highest-income states, Colorado is first in the nation when it comes to some degree of educational attainment beyond high school, according to a Lumina Foundation report. That might not be good for Republicans.College-educated white voters, historically a larger share of the Republican electorate than the Democrat electorate, have become a much more substantial element of the Democrat coalition while stagnating within the Republican electorate, a trend evident in every affluent, well-educated neighborhood where yards are festooned with “In This House, We Believe” yard signs.
“In the Republican camp ... the share of college-educated whites crested in 2008 and has been falling ever since,” Mr. Goldberg wrote.
Ms. Boebert, who has been attacked online for lacking a college degree, questioned what it means to be educated. “To say college-educated, I think that that’s a little bit redundant. I mean, just because someone goes to college doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re educated,” she said.
On Shift to Fourth District: ‘People Are Still Trying to Put Their Own Spin on Things’
Ms. Boebert also commented on her choice to move to the third district from the fourth district. It came after a well-publicized split from her former husband, Jayson.She secured a temporary restraining order against him in early February of this year. The lawmaker is currently attempting to get a permanent restraining order.
Her eighteen-year-old son, Tyler, was also recently arrested in connection with multiple alleged felonies.
“As an adult and father, Tyler will take responsibility for his actions and should be held accountable for poor decisions just like any other citizen,” Ms. Boebert said in a statement on the arrest of her son.
The congresswoman barely won her 2020 general election race against Democrat Adam Frisch, positioned as her chief rival ahead of 2024. The fourth district, currently represented by Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.), is much more safely Republican.

President Trump’s endorsement could further boost Ms. Boebert with the GOP base.
A recent article in The Washington Post on Ms. Boebert’s effort to stay in Congress, complete with posed photographs of the candidate and one of her rivals, Republican State Rep. Jerry Sonnenberg, ended with a speculative analysis of her motivations:
“You could see it as a necessary step for a divorcee to cope with a legitimately harrowing family ordeal. You could see it as a strategically convenient way for a politician who enjoys power and status to avoid losing it. You could see it as a way for someone who grew up without a leash to slip out of some unwelcome restraints. Maybe it’s as simple as this: She moved so she doesn’t have to change,” Ben Terris wrote.
Ms. Boebert didn’t say whether she saw The Washington Post feature’s conclusion as either fair or unfair.
“It’s interesting that people are still trying to put their own spin on things,” she told The Epoch Times.
“Obviously, there’s a lot going on in my personal life that contributed to this move. A lot of discussion and prayer went into it. And it’s no secret what my family and I have been going through, unfortunately, and this was just a fresh start for my children, for myself, and this also, as I predicted, stopped the flow of dark Democrat money into Colorado’s third district,” she said.
That’s in line with an analysis from Rob Pyers of a non-partisan political data hub, California Target Book.
“Now we have a better opportunity to keep Colorado’s third district red,” Ms. Boebert said.