The ruling class wants to impose COVID-like emergency powers to deal with climate change, but its ultimate goal is to control every aspect of the life of society, said Marc Morano, publisher of Climate Depot.
“Their goal all along has been to evolve us to something related to what China has been following,” Mr. Morano said in an interview on EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program.
The ruling class liked the COVID-19 emergency declaration because it bypassed people in making the most consequential decisions about their lives without allowing for even “an ounce of democracy,” Mr. Morano explained.
COVID-19, especially COVID lockdowns, “brought the once free West to emulate one-party rule in China,” said Mr. Morano, author of the book “The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown.”
Similarly, the climate emergency declaration will give the establishment emergency powers in general, which will allow it to control American society in the same way as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controls the Chinese people, according to Mr. Morano.
Emergency Powers
John Kerry, the special presidential envoy for climate in the Biden administration, drew a parallel between COVID-19 and climate change, Mr. Morano said.In April 2020, Mr. Kerry said in his opinion piece for The Boston Globe: “You could just as easily replace the words ‘climate change' with ‘COVID-19’; it is truly the tale of two pandemics deferred, denied, and distorted.”
Jamie Margolin, climate activist and founder of the organization Zero Hour, wrote for Teen Vogue: ”The way the world has been able to mobilize itself and shut down in the blink of an eye to properly respond to the coronavirus is proof that political leaders actually do have the ability to make rapid change happen if they want.”
Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, wrote in June 2020: “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”
Establishment Praises China Model
Mr. Morano cited several comments and statements by government officials, business leaders, journalists, scholars, and activists praising the Chinese one-party authoritarian rule model for years.
It is “documented—the major figures all saying it out loud,” Mr. Morano said.
Justin Trudeau said in 2013, two years before his tenure as the Canadian prime minister, that he admired China’s basic dictatorship.
Mr. Trudeau, the then-leader of the Liberal Party, said at a fundraising event, according to a CBC report: “There is a level of admiration I actually have for China. Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime.”

U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm praised the Chinese regime’s efforts to counter climate change at the annual SXSW conference in March.
China has been very “sensitive ” to climate change and “has actually invested a lot in their solutions to achieve their goals,” Ms. Granholm said in an interview at SXSW Studio.
“So we’re hopeful that we can all learn from what China is doing,” Ms. Granholm said. “The amount of money that they’re investing in clean energy is actually encouraging.”
According to a report by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, about 55 percent of China’s total energy consumption was supplied by coal and 19 percent came from petroleum and other liquids in 2021.
In the same year, the United States consumed 11 percent of energy generated from coal, 37 percent from petroleum and other liquids, 32 percent from natural gas, and 21 percent from nuclear, renewable, and other sources, the report stated.
In prior years, “China has diversified its energy supplies and has replaced some oil and coal use with cleaner burning fuels,” such as natural gas, the report said. In 2021, natural gas accounted for 9 percent of China’s total energy consumption, while renewable, nuclear, and other sources accounted for 17 percent, according to the report.
China, however, accelerated construction of new coal-fired power plants in 2022, according to a February report by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) and the Global Energy Monitor.
“A total of 106 GW [gigawatts] of new coal power projects were permitted, the equivalent of two large coal power plants per week. The amount of capacity permitted more than quadrupled from 23 GW in 2021,” the CREA report stated.
Chinese authorities try to justify the expansion of coal power generation as “supporting” the integration of renewable energy, which China has also scaled up, the CREA report said. But this justification does not hold as the new coal power plants are intended to meet fundamental consumer demands, the report explained.
Apple CEO Tim Cook told Forbes in 2017 that what the Chinese government was doing for the environment “aligned completely with Apple’s values.
“They’re very fixated on doing the right things to avert climate change,” Mr. Cook explained.
Mr. Schwab said during a November 2022 interview with CGTN, a Chinese state-run television channel, that China is “a role model for many countries” and expressed his respect for China’s achievements over the last 40 years.
Although each country should make “its own decision what system it wants to adapt,” Mr. Schwab said, “the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for a quite a number of countries.”
Coordinated Effort
The United Nations, the World Economic Forum, governments, major corporations, and billionaire funders all embraced the same climate change agenda, Mr. Morano said.They all attend annual UN climate summits to coordinate their response to climate change so they are “on the same page,” Mr. Morano said, adding he also attended these conferences.

Countries that joined the UN convention on climate change gather every year since the mid-1990s at conferences, also known as COP (Conference of the Parties), to” measure progress and negotiate multilateral responses to climate change,” the UN website said.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared in 2018 that “climate change is the greatest challenge of the 21st century, threatening human health and development,” according to the organization’s website.
“The longer we delay action, the greater the risks to human lives and health,” the WHO continued.
In a paper published in March 2020, Andrew Harmer from Queen Mary University of London and other European scientists argue that the WHO should treat climate change “in the same way as global threats from specific diseases.”
In 2021, a Canadian woman was diagnosed with “climate change” by her doctor, and it was likely the first diagnosis of this cause, reported CTV News, a Canadian broadcaster.
In 2020, Australian scientists published a paper in The Lancet stating that heat-related mortality is substantially underreported in Australia. “Non-biomedical external factors are often omitted on death certificates,” the paper said.
The scientists called for the modernization of death certification to reflect “external factors contributing to death,” such as heatwaves and other environmental events.
According to Harvard University, climate change can create favorable conditions for spreading infectious diseases and increase the risk of pandemics.
Mr. Morano asserted that there is “a shared interest collusion between all of these international groups, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and the World Health Organization.”
The WHO has been working to institute a pandemic treaty and amendments to International Health Regulations, proposed by the Biden administration in 2022. These legal measures will give the WHO director unilateral authority to declare a public health emergency in any country based on evidence the director chooses.
Such public health emergency could also be imposed due to climate change and may include instant global lockdowns and other restrictions, Mr. Morano asserted.
Many of these people, who advocate emergency powers and tight control of society, truly believe that people are “unwashed masses” and that every aspect of their life needs to be regulated and guided by experts; otherwise, the masses “will create inequity, racism, environmental destruction, and a climate crisis,” Mr. Morano said.
The ruling class believes that “they’re saving the world,” Mr. Morano said. “They may not see the climate crisis as real, but they just see it as a more orderly society.”