ICE Arrests Illegal Alien Released Into Community by Local Law Enforcement

ICE Arrests Illegal Alien Released Into Community by Local Law Enforcement
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Officers on March 20, 2019. (ICE/Flickr)

An illegal alien from Mexico who had been previously removed twice from the United States for manslaughter and gang assault charges was released back into the public earlier this year. He was arrested again by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in White Plains, New York, on Nov. 26.

ICE previously removed Perez-Bautista from the country in May 2013 and September 2014. He is currently in ICE custody and waiting to be deported to Mexico.

Feliciano Perez-Bautista, 32, was arrested by the Yonkers Police Department in July on charges of gang assault and causing serious physical injury. He was additionally charged with manslaughter and intent to cause serious physical injury after his victim died.

ICE lodged a detainer with Yonkers and Westchester police departments in New York, but the requests were disregarded and Perez-Bautista was freed under Westchester County’s Immigrant Protection Act. Federal authorities were not notified.

“When law enforcement agencies decide to not honor ICE detainers and release violent criminals back onto the streets, they are putting their city at serious risk,” ICE New York Field Office Director Thomas Decker stated on Dec. 2. “We want nothing more than to cooperate and work together with local law enforcement authorities in order to protect our communities and keep this nation secure.”

USA Today reported that in July, Perez-Bautista and another man, Jorge Arce-Villano, 25, were arrested after authorities said that Effginio Jose Rojas, 37, succumbed to injuries resulting from an attack.

Police were led to the suspects after interviewing witnesses and checking surveillance video.

Decker blasted politicians for compromising citizen safety for their political agenda.

“Unfortunately, more and more we are seeing politicians place their own political agenda above the safety of the citizens in which they serve. This leaves local law enforcement agencies handcuffed by these reckless policies which give them no choice but to release criminals, like this unlawfully present Mexican national charged with manslaughter, back onto the streets to further terrorize the community,” Decker said.

According to the ICE webpage, immigration detainers are “to provide notice of its intent to assume custody of an individual detained in federal, state, or local custody. Detainers are placed on aliens arrested on criminal charges for whom ICE possesses probable cause to believe that they are removable from the United States.”
According to NY Dailynews, the NYPD received 2,916 detainer requests by ICE from July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019, but all were denied.