How COVID-19 Vaccine Shedding Works

A conversation with Dr. Pierre Kory, co-founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.
How COVID-19 Vaccine Shedding Works
Dr. Pierre Kory, a founding member of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, in Dallas, Texas on April 28, 2023. York Du/The Epoch Times
Jan Jekielek
Jeff Minick
In a recent episode of “American Thought Leaders,” host Jan Jekielek and Dr. Pierre Kory discuss the phenomenon and dangers of vaccine shedding, when vaccinated persons release components of a vaccine into their bodies or the environment. Dr. Kory is the co-founder of the FLCCC Alliance (Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance) and former chief of Critical Care Service at the University of Wisconsin.
Jan Jekielek: We’re here at the FLCCC conference, and it’s sold out. 
Dr. Pierre Kory: We’re doing work that is appreciated, and you can see it in the spirit and the attendance. 
Mr. Jekielek: There hasn’t been a conference where so many people have been thanking Epoch Times for their work. I'd say 8 out of 10 have been medical doctors. 
Dr. Kory: Your health section is great because you do deep dives on any number of promising therapies. Beyond that, I find your reporting to be objective. You’re true journalists.
Mr. Jekielek: I appreciate those kind words. Today, let’s talk about the shedding of COVID vaccine products. People who have been close to people who have taken the vaccine seem to get similar symptoms. 
Dr. Kory: Shedding is common, but how often does it actually affect someone else? The best insight, after doing research and talking with clinicians, is that it tends to happen to people who are environmentally or pharmacologically sensitive.
Shedding is real. The FDA [U.S. Food & Drug Administration] knows it’s real. There’s an FDA definition of gene therapy from 2015. That document states that gene therapy is when you inject genetic material that then produces a product. Inject mRNA, and the mRNA makes spike protein.
In that document, they state that all gene therapy products should undergo shedding studies. I have evidence on four products out there. In the product inserts of each one, they note that the product will shed.
There was no product insert for the mRNA vaccine. We embarked on a global vaccination campaign with a gene therapy which is known to shed, yet there never was a discussion about the vaccine shedding. They told us it would stay in the arm for a few days and not go anywhere else, and that the spike protein antibody production would shut off. We are drowning in evidence that neither statement is true. 
Mr. Jekielek: Through this delivery device of the lipid nanoparticle [LPN], it can go everywhere, into the brain, into the ovaries and testes. Now, you’re saying it’s actually exiting the body.
Dr. Kory: You just brought up the second piece to the puzzle. The first piece is to understand that gene therapies shed. The other thing is that they belong to another category of therapeutics. Not only do they fit under the gene therapy category, but they also fit under nanoparticle technology. 
The mRNA is delivered in lipid nanoparticles. Lipid nanoparticles are synthetic. They’re made in the lab, but they’re the counterpart to something natural in our bodies called exosomes. Exosomes are part of how our body does cell-to-cell communication. They’re almost like little hormones. 
When you inject the lipid nanoparticle, those nanoparticles can traverse almost any physiologic barrier. That’s why that story about staying in the arm is a lie. There’s no nanoparticle technology that’s ever stayed where you put it because it naturally traverses all boundaries. It spreads throughout the body.
We have knowledge of that from EMA [European Medicines Agency] documents, from FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] documents, and from autopsy studies. For something to shed, you need to inject genetic material into the body to make spike antibodies. The spike antibody would then have to be taken up by natural exosomes, and that’s the key.
We have a number of papers showing spike protein within exosomes circulating in the blood. They are absorbed in the lung and exhaled through the lung.
We think the predominant form of shedding is via the exhaled breath, and then someone close by is inhaling. Once you inhale, they can attach to lung tissue, diffuse across the cells, and traverse through the body. We have the science and the evidence for it.
My collaborator, an anonymous researcher who goes by the handle, A Midwestern Doctor, and I think that if this is understood and disseminated, it would be the greatest driver in this campaign to stop this global mass vaccination with gene therapy. 
Mr. Jekielek: That leads people to ask how six-foot distancing could have made any difference, how could masks have made any difference. Are you suggesting this synthetic spike protein is also transmitted through these natural exosomes?
Dr. Kory: It is transmitted through the natural exosomes, those tiny particles that can float in the air. The synthetic lipid nanoparticles can also traverse the skin. We don’t have evidence that natural exosomes cross the skin, but we do know that they can be inhaled and then diffused into the lung tissue.
An exosome is a lipid sac, a little fatty membrane. Inside, it has different sorts of enzymes, growth factors, and genetic material. For a long time, scientists didn’t know what exosomes were. Now, they understand that they are hugely important in the physiology and maintenance of our homeostasis and in repair mechanisms for inflammation.
We’re going to have a clinical study to show that it’s shed in breast milk. There were babies with strokes, facial paralysis, respiratory arrest, and seizures after breastfeeding. But again, we’re living in a state of science where anything negative about these vaccines is almost universally censored.
Mr. Jekielek: A final thought as we finish up?
Dr. Kory: We’ve discovered things that are important for the public to know. Many of us come out of a tradition of being medical educators. I used to teach medical students and fellows a skillset. Now, I’m an educator for the public. It’s just as stimulating and satisfying, and I plan to continue to do that as much as I can.
Note: mRNA genetic vaccine contamination in breastmilk was first identified by War Room/DailyClout volunteers searching through primary source Pfizer documents released under court order by the U.S. FDA.
This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.
Jan Jekielek is a senior editor with The Epoch Times, host of the show “American Thought Leaders” and co-host of “FALLOUT” with Dr. Robert Malone and “Kash’s Corner” with Kash Patel. Jan’s career has spanned academia, international human rights work, and now for almost two decades, media. He has interviewed nearly a thousand thought leaders on camera, and specializes in long-form discussions challenging the grand narratives of our time. He’s also an award-winning documentary filmmaker, producing “The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told,” “DeSantis: Florida vs. Lockdowns,” and “Finding Manny.”