House Passes Resolution Denouncing Biden’s Open-Border Policies

House Passes Resolution Denouncing Biden’s Open-Border Policies
A view of the U.S. House of Representatives, in Washington, on Oct. 25, 2023. Win McNamee/Getty Images
Savannah Hulsey Pointer

The House of Representatives has passed a resolution that criticized the Biden administration’s open-border policies and condemned the national security and public safety crisis along the southwest border.

The measure, Resolution H. RES. 957, was passed on Jan. 17, in a 225-187 vote with 21 members not voting.

It urged President Joe Biden to end his administration’s open-border policies due to the United States facing what the legislation described as “the worst border security crisis in the nation’s history.”

It said that the House “denounces the Biden administration’s open borders policies; condemns the national security and public safety crisis that President Joe Biden, ‘Border Czar’ Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, and other Biden administration officials have created along the southwest border; and urges President Biden to end his administration’s open-borders policies.”

The issue, according to the resolution, had been marked by alarming statistics and a range of issues related to border security and immigration.

One key concern highlighted in the resolution was the frequency of encounters between U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers and illegal immigrants along the border.

The resolution noted that during every month of the Biden administration, CBP has encountered more than 100,000 illegal crossers along the United States southern border.

The total number of illegal immigrants dealt with along the southwest border during the current administration is stated to exceed 7 million, with more than 3.3 million of them being released into the interior of the United States.

Another statistic cited in the resolution was the existence of more than 1.7 million known illegal “gotaways” who have successfully evaded the Border Patrol.

Additionally, the resolution stated there had been a 2,700 percent increase in the number of illegal migrants attempting to cross the border who were on the Terrorist Screening Dataset.

Washingon has been blamed for the crisis after terminating the Migrant Protection Protocols, which has halted border wall construction.

The resolution also asserted that under the current administration, there had been an abuse of parole authority, mass releasing millions of illegal aliens into the country, and implementing policies that incentivize illegal immigration.

Moreover, the resolution asserted that the administration has dismantled immigration enforcement and restricted the ability of officials to deport non-citizens who have violated U.S. law.

The change in law enforcement response to illegal border crossers resulted in relatively few illegal immigrants, including criminals, being removed from the country.

It also strongly urged the administration to terminate open-border policies as a solution to the crisis.

During a Jan. 10 hearing before the House Homeland Security Committee, Republican members accused Mr. Mayorkas of being guilty of “dereliction of duty” due to policies that have led to the unprecedented influx of people crossing from Mexico.

According to Republicans, Mr. Mayorkas is guilty of “gross incompetence,” according to committee chair Mark Green (R-Tenn.).

During his opening statements, Mr. Green said that under President Barack Obama, a former DHS Secretary said that 1,000 encounters a day “overwhelm the system.”

“Secretary Mayorkas says watch encounters have never averaged less than 3,000 per day, even going as high as 10,000 to 12,000 per day.

“Just a few days ago, internal CBP [Customs and Border Protection] numbers leaked to the media showed another 302,000 encounters at the southwest border alone in December.”

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