The House Intelligence Committee in the next few weeks will release dozens of transcripts of depositions it conducted as part of the Russia investigation, according to committee chairman Devin Nunes.
Nunes plans to release all of the transcripts before the midterms elections on Nov. 6 in a bid to shed more light on the investigation of the Trump campaign by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI before and after the 2016 election.
“The American people now are beginning to see the walls are beginning to close in on the corrupt officials at the Department of Justice and the FBI,” Nunes told Fox News on Sept. 16.
“Many of them have been fired. Many of them are on leave. Many of them have been demoted. But you are slowly starting to see this collapse in on them even though the mainstream media is not covering this as they seem so focused on drinking the Russian Kool-Aid.”
Media Implicated
Instead of focusing on the findings of the committee’s investigation, the mainstream media continues to look into “who’s getting indicted by the special counsel instead of focusing on ‘Was there any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia?’” Nunes said, “to which the answer is ‘No.’”
The problem with the leaks, according to Nunes, is that the FBI appears to have planted stories in the media to use them as a pretext to interview American citizens. In addition, the FBI used at least one planted news story to corroborate the anti-Trump dossier as part of a warrant application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to spy on former Trump-campaign volunteer Carter Page.
The committee pinpointed 2-3 dozen reporters who were “fed dirt” by the Clinton campaign and Fusion GPS, the firm behind the anti-Trump dossier.
“What was happening here, and this ought to scare American people, it scares me to know that the FBI and DOJ would go out and leak fake news stories in many cases, plant them in many cases, and then pick up those fake news stories to use them as a pretext ... to go out and interview American citizens,” Nunes said.
“These people are really dirty,” he added. “I hope that we continue to get all this information out before the election so that people know just how sick this Russia Kool-Aid that’s been poured on the American people, how bad it’s really been.”
Crossfire Hurricane
The findings of the intelligence committee, combined with volumes of evidence that has since surfaced, suggest that under the pretense of investigating the Trump campaign’s alleged ties with Russia, the intelligence apparatus of the United States unleashed an unprecedented surveillance operation on the Trump campaign using at least five of the most intrusive spy tools.Codenamed Crossfire Hurricane, this counterintelligence investigation started in late July 2016 and eventually evolved into the criminal probe by special counsel Robert Mueller. Given the revelations about Crossfire Hurricane and the fact that Mueller has not produced any evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, President Donald Trump regularly expresses frustration with the special counsel probe, calling it a “hoax” and a “witch hunt.”

According to Ratcliffe, lawmakers are also frustrated by Mueller’s probe, mainly because part of what the special counsel is investigating remains a mystery. Congress has yet to see the second “scope memo” from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein which outlines the parameters of Mueller’s investigation.
“The only satisfactory outcome now is full transparency for the American public and full accountability for those who maliciously subjected American citizens to surveillance abuses,” said Zeldin.