A fast acting Chick-fil-A employee in Georgia is being credited with potentially saving the life of a choking child.
Simmons immediately leaped through the drive-thru window to try and help.
The quick-thinking teen used a pocket knife to cut the child loose.
“I’m still kind of shocked right now myself that all this has happened,” Simmons told the news station. “You could see he was turning red and losing pigmentation in his face.”
The rescued child’s mother later thanked Simmons and called him a hero.
8-Year-Old ‘Hero’ Saves Sister From Kidnapping
In another case of a rescue caught on camera, an 8-year-old boy saved his sister from the grasp of a kidnapper outside an Ohio hospital.The dramatic April 25 rescue took place in Middletown, in the parking lot of the Atrium Medical Center.
Footage of the rescue was released by local police, showing the two children both tumbling out of a moving car as their grandmother clung to the driver’s door before she was dragged to the ground.
Nita Coburn, 69, had pulled up to the emergency room to drop off another woman. But as she helped her into the Atrium Medical Center, a man leaped into the driver’s seat of her car and started to drive off, with her two grandchildren in the back.
Coburn ran to the car, grabbed hold of the door and was dragged along before her grip was torn away by the accelerating car—unaware that her grandchildren had already escaped.
The video shows the two children tumbling out of the rear door just as Coburn runs alongside the car.

“The little boy opened the door to escape and the little girl started to jump out also but the man grabbed the hoodie of the little girl not allowing her to leave,” said the Middletown police office in a statement. “As she tried to get away her little brother grabbed hold of her and pulled her away from the kidnapper and they both tumbled out of the vehicle as it was moving.”
Police identified the driver was as heroin addict Dalvir Singh from India, 24, who was arrested after two officers saw the vehicle fleeing the scene.

Police Chief Rodney Muterspaw praised Chance’s actions.
“This little guy is a hero,” he said. “No question. He pulled his sister out of the car with no concern for his own safety. That is incredible at his age.”

Police announced they had charged the 24-year-old man with kidnapping, felonious assault, and grand theft.