Goldman Sachs-Funded Socialist Forum Profits ‘Off the Same System They ’Hate'': Cubans Who Fled Communism

Goldman Sachs-Funded Socialist Forum Profits ‘Off the Same System They ’Hate'': Cubans Who Fled Communism
Goldman Sachs headquarters in New York on Oct. 15, 2015. (Mark Lennihan/AP Photo)
Enrico Trigoso
A socialist group that got at least $12 million of funding from the investment banking company Goldman Sachs has come under sharp criticism for operating in NYC and calling for a socialist revolution in the United States, from people who fled communism and are warning Americans about the dangers of the radical doctrine.
The executive director of The People’s Forum said in an Instagram video that “I think this country, the U.S. needs a socialist revolution ... when there’s a socialist revolution in the U.S., there will be an immigration system that actually welcomes everyone, that has an open border system that actually allows people to live freely and actually account [sic] for all the crimes of U.S. imperialism over the last 200 years.”
The People’s Forum promotes Marxism, radicalismfeminism, and socialist books.
Cisco and Candi, two Cubans who fled communism and run an Instagram page called “SOS Cuba,“ believe that the above mentioned is to be taken seriously because ”whoever controls the media controls the minds of society.”

“We think it is very hypocritical to criticize capitalism but at the same time benefit from being able to open a bookstore and profit off the same system they ‘hate.’ As Cubans who fled communism we are concerned that communism is infecting the American youth, and The People’s Forum is one of the biggest communist propaganda pushers in NYC if not the U.S. as a whole,” they told The Epoch Times.

“We are warning Americans of the dangers of communism and to not wait to protest against it, do not wait for a sign. Communism needs to be prevented not treated after the infection.”

“We are Cuban-born immigrants that know the horrors of communism and each day we see the signs. This is serious and The People’s Forum is a self-declared enemy of the United States and are threatening a communist revolution very soon. This is the last place for freedom—if USA falls, where will we go?”

The People’s Forum runs a Cafe in Manhattan, where some members of the NY Freedom Rally, a group that has been protesting against vaccine mandates, were kicked out on May 21 from one of their events for not having a vaccine passport.

One of them is Paul M., who has been active with NY Freedom Rally against the mandates and promoting individual liberty.

“It’s a bit concerning that some establishments are still requiring an unconstitutional mandate to get served even after it was dropped,” Paul told The Epoch Times.

“What is more [disturbing] is that I myself, born in a refugee camp after my parents fled one of the most brutal communist regimes in Eastern Europe, is that I had seen so many young people, barely in their teens, being indoctrinated into one of the most horrific ideologies that resulted in over 100 million deaths.”

“Maybe the saddest part of that day was the kids looked miserable. ”

The People’s Forum did not respond to a request for comment by The Epoch Times by press time.