Georgia Data Show Over 30,000 of Trump’s Votes Removed, Another 12,173 Switched to Biden: Data Scientists

Allen Zhong

Georgia election data indicate that more than 30,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump and another 12,173 votes were switched to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, data scientists testified on Dec. 30 during a state Senate hearing.

Lynda McLaughlin from the Data Integrity Group, along with data scientists Justin Mealey and Dave Lobue, presented the results before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections.

Mealey worked as an electronic warfare technician in the U.S. Navy for 9 1/2 years and was a former CIA contractor as a data analyst and programmer for the National Counterterrorism Center. He currently works for one of the “big four” accounting firms as a programmer.

Lobue is a data scientist with over a decade of experience in a number of industries.

“What we have here is we actually have fraud that we can prove in this election, there was fraud in Georgia’s election, we can prove it with data,” Mealey said. “The voting will of the people of Georgia is not reflected in what was certified by the Secretary of State.”

According to their analysis, which was published online as early as Dec. 24, time-series election data show Trump’s votes were decrementing in various counties instead of increasing as they do normally.

At least 30,593 votes were allegedly removed from Trump as result, including 17,650 votes in Dougherty County, 7,008 votes in Dodge County, and 5,935 votes in Putnam County.

The removals happened at the county level and were hard to observe at the state level because the decrements were offset by accurate data uploaded by other counties.

“I want to make that very, very clear that at no point in an incremental process, should you decrement it,” Mealey said.

Data Scientists say time series data show 17,650 of President Donald Trump's votes were removed in Dougherty County, Ga. (Screenshot)
Data Scientists say time series data show 17,650 of President Donald Trump's votes were removed in Dougherty County, Ga. Screenshot

The group said a huge number of Trump’s votes were also observed being switched to Biden in a separate event.

A “clear example of vote switching” happened in Bibb county, they said.

At 9:11 p.m. local time, Trump received 29,391 votes as Biden simultaneously received 17,218. However, in the next reported time update, Trump’s votes became 17,218, while Biden’s changed to 29,391.

In this single event, 12,173 votes were switched, according to the data scientists.

State-certified election results show Trump lost Georgia by 12,670 votes. The Trump campaign is still challenging the results in various courts.

The Data Integrity Group didn’t name any state official, county official, or related voting machine manufacturers for wrongdoing. They emphasized that the analysis is not partisan.

“The analysis we’re going to be reviewing is purely scientific, not based on any political affiliation, red, blue, left, or right. The objective really focuses on numbers, data, and machine network systems,” Lobue stated.

The Georgia secretary of state’s office didn’t respond to a request for comment from The Epoch Times. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his office have denied vehemently that systemic election fraud occurred during the November election.

Ballot Tallying Process Under Question

The experts said during the Dec. 30 hearing that they believed the removals and switching could have happened during the Results Tally & Reporting (RTR) process.

The Epoch Times was unable to verify the allegation independently.

Based on information published on Dominion Voting Systems’ website, Georgia used Dominion products during the November election.
Poll workers can reject or validate ballots during the RTR process. In a widely circulated video, an elections supervisor in Coffee County demonstrated how Dominion voting software allows votes to be changed through an “adjudication” process. The process allows the operator to add vote marks to a scanned ballot as well as invalidate vote marks already on the ballot.

According to a statement from Richard Barron, director of Fulton County Board of Election and Registration, ballot adjudications happened substantially in the county, which has the largest population in the Peach State.

“So far we scanned 113,130 ballots, we’ve adjudicated 106,000 plus [93.7 percent] of those,” he can be seen saying in a video clip. “The only ballots that are adjudicated are if we have a ballot with a contest on it in which there’s some question as to what, how the computer reads it. So the vote review panel then determines voter intent.”

However, the unofficial results that were used in the analysis by the group should be published after the adjudication process, according to a Dominion tally and reporting user guide (pdf), which is available on the website of the Colorado secretary of state’s office.

It is unlikely that the adjudication process would cause Trump’s votes to decrease.

However, there is a step called “auditing” in the RTR process after the ballots are adjudicated and data are published and sent to the secretary of state and media data port. It appears that adjustments can still be made during the “auditing” step if needed after the unofficial results are made public.

The user manual doesn’t provide detailed information about what specific changes, if any, can be made during the auditing process, including whether ballots can be added or subtracted during that process.

The article was updated to include data from more counties.
Correction: The vote switching happened in Bibb County, not DeKalb County. Removals of Trump’s votes and switching of Trump’s votes to Biden happened in separate events. The Epoch Times regrets the error.
Allen Zhong
Allen Zhong
senior writer
Allen Zhong is a long-time writer and reporter for The Epoch Times. He joined the Epoch Media Group in 2012. His main focus is on U.S. politics. Send him your story ideas: [email protected]
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