Former KKK Leader Publicly Supports Democrat Ilhan Omar Over Anti-Semitic Tweets

Former KKK Leader Publicly Supports Democrat Ilhan Omar Over Anti-Semitic Tweets
Newly elected congresswoman Ilhan Omar, speaks to a group of supporters at University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minn., in a Nov. 2, 2018 file photo. (KEREM YUCEL/AFP/Getty Images)
Zachary Stieber
The former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, publicly backed Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) over comments she made that were overwhelmingly condemned as anti-Semitic.

Omar theorized that lawmakers support Israel because they are being paid to do so; when questioned, she claimed that AIPAC, or the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, was behind a scheme to exchange funding for politicians in return for supporting Israel.

Duke responded to the backlash against Omar, stating: “So, let us get this straight. It is ‘Anti-Semitism’ to point out that the most powerful political moneybags in American politics are Zionists who put another nation’s interest (Israel’s) over that of America?”

Duke continued in another missive. “ Every [Jew] knows that Zionist money rules American politics,” he said. “It’s a disgrace that not one white Christian man in Congress [will] stand up to them!”

Omar did not disavow Duke’s support. She was made aware of it by a journalist, who was sent a tweet by a supporter, who said, “maybe don’t insinuate black Muslims have the support of the KKK?” Omar responded with no words but used one emoji, of a woman holding a hand to her forehead in seeming disbelief that someone had pointed out Duke’s support for her sentiment.

Omar, who has increasingly voiced anti-Israel sentiment along with conspiracy theories about Jews, lacks evidence and she apologized for her missives under pressure from Democratic Party leaders.

In her apology, Omar still aimed disdain at the AIPAC, prompting some people to question how serious of an apology it was.

“At the same time, I reaffirm the problematic role of lobbyists in our politics, whether it be AIPAC, the NRA, or the fossil fuel industry,” Omar said.

Just hours later, she resent a tweet thread created by a progressive activist that tried to further the theory about powerful Jews using money to influence politicians.

Ady Barkan said that he was working as a campaign staffer for Victoria Wells Wulsin in the 2006 Democratic primary in an Ohio congressional district. Barkan claimed that the Cincinnati branch of the AIPAC told Wulsin that it would like the candidate to take public positions on an Iran sanctions bill and another issue, “something I can’t recall, perhaps the continuing arms sales to Israel.”

“We were desperate for cash and so we put online a statement about how Vic supported a two-state peace agreement and AIPAC’s two pet issues of the cycle. It was definitely about the Benjamins. Never would have done it otherwise,” Barkan said.

“Money is the lubricant that makes the whole machine run. @IlhanMN is right to point this out,” he wrote.

According to federal election records, Wulsin’s campaign raised more than $225,000 from groups and hundreds of thousands more from individuals, which would make the $5,000 in question a small percentage of her fundraising.

The AIPAC was not listed as a donor, and many people said amid the backlash to both Omar and Barkan’s comments that the group does not donate money, only asking lawmakers to support Israel. Besides condemning Hamas, a terrorist group who controls the West Bank, Wulsin did not appear to take a public stance regarding any issues linked to Israel.

Barkan then continued pushing the theory that Omar had just apologized for, claiming “AIPAC is a central pillar of the occupation,” and smearing Republican donor Sheldon Adelson, a Jew.

Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]
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