Florida Homeowner Armed with AR-15 Kills 2 Home Invaders in Gunfight

Florida Homeowner Armed with AR-15 Kills 2 Home Invaders in Gunfight
Sheriff's deputies at the scene of a crime in Summerfield, Fla., on July 10, 2019. Marion County Sheriff’s Office
Tom Ozimek

A Florida homeowner used an AR-15 to shoot and kill two alleged home intruders, one of whom was wearing a “Friday the 13th” horror movie mask.

The Ocala Star Banner reported that a total of four suspects allegedly targeted the homeowner’s Marion County residence on Wednesday, July 10, initially seeking to gain entry by pretending to have car trouble and asking for help. The homeowner, identified by WCJB only as a war veteran, said he was unable to help and closed the door.

Some time later, the suspects allegedly broke into the home and immediately exchanged fire with the homeowner, who had armed himself with an AR-15 rifle. The gunfight left two suspects dead and the homeowner suffering from gunshot wounds.

Deputies cited by Click Orlando said that when investigators arrived on the scene, one of the alleged intruders, identified as 21-year-old Keith Jackson Jr., was dead. He was reportedly wearing a Jason Voorhees mask from the movie “Friday the 13th” and had a semiautomatic pistol with the slide locked back, suggesting a fully spent magazine. The second deceased suspect was identified by WCJB as 22-year-old Nigel Doyle.

The homeowner is reportedly in stable condition in the intensive care unit.

The Ocala Star Banner reported that investigators arrested the other two suspects, 19-year-old Robert John Hamilton and 22-year-old Seth Adam Rodriguez, near the scene. Rodriguez was arrested on charges of murder and home invasion robbery with a firearm, it was reported. Hamilton faces home invasion robbery with a firearm.

Hamilton and Rodriguez informed detectives that all four suspects went to the victim’s home with the intention of robbing him of marijuana and guns, WCJB reported. They were being held at the Marion County Jail without bond.

Top row L-R: Keith Jackson Jr. and Nigel Doyle, both killed in a gunfight with an armed Marion County homeowner on July 10, 2019. Bottom row L-R: Robert Hamilton and Seth Rodriguez, who were arrested. (Marion County Sheriff's Office)
Top row L-R: Keith Jackson Jr. and Nigel Doyle, both killed in a gunfight with an armed Marion County homeowner on July 10, 2019. Bottom row L-R: Robert Hamilton and Seth Rodriguez, who were arrested. Marion County Sheriff's Office

‘Important to Be Vigilant’

“Detectives were informed that they believe one of the suspects showed up earlier that evening and was knocking on the door and he had left and the homeowner had gone to sleep and the four individuals showed up after,” said Valerie Strong, a Public Information Officer with the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, according to WCJB.

She said the investigation revealed that the homeowner believed he recognized one of the suspects from a past Craigslist transaction.

“When you do anything online, it’s very important to be vigilant on the people you are doing transactions with and we recommend doing it in a public space to make sure no one knows where your home is,” Strong added.

A neighbor of the homeowner was cited by WCJB as saying that he had seen the intruders scoping the place out earlier and believed “this was not just a random act on their part.”

The investigation continues.

70-Year-Old Woman Shot Home Invader

A 70-year-old woman shot a man who tried to rob her house, sheriff’s deputies in West Virginia said.

The woman, who was not identified, resides in a house on Seneca Trail near Hillsboro.

Deputies with the Pocahontas County Sheriff’s Office were called to the home around 3:10 a.m. on Feb. 4. When they arrived, they found Jesse Blake, 34, lying in the yard, reported WVNS. Blake allegedly tried breaking two windows to get into the house but was stopped by the woman when she fired a .22 magnum rifle.

Blake was shot at least once. He was rushed to a hospital in Roanoke for treatment.

The 70-year-old woman was not publicly identified.

The Moral Right to Self-Defense

David Kopel, an Adjunct Scholar at the Cato Institute and author of the book “The Morality of Self-Defense and Military Action: The Judeo-Christian Perspective,” recently wrote an op-ed for the Epoch Times on the moral right to self-defense.

In his article, Kopel argues that the right to bear arms should be protected. He cites Cicero, the great Roman lawyer and orator of the first century B.C., in support of the case that self-defense against criminals is an application of the natural “instinct of self-preservation.” So “if our life be in danger from plots, or from open violence, or from the weapons of robbers or enemies, every means of securing our safety is honorable,” Kopel writes, citing Cicero.

Kopel also cites a study of defensive arms use, authored by professors Jongyeon Tark and Gary Kleck, who found that “[a] variety of mostly forceful tactics, including resistance with a gun, appeared to have the strongest effects in reducing the risk of injury.” Thus, “the best available evidence indicates that victim resistance to crimes is generally wise.” Further, “armed and other forceful resistance does not appear to increase the victim’s risk of injury.”

While acknowledging different perspectives on gun control, he argues fundamentally that policies undercutting the right to bear arms are best construed as a human right violation.

“The sanctity of the home against violent and unexpected invasion is a widely expressed fundamental human right all over the world,” Kopel writes. “Accordingly, the self-defense right and its auxiliary right to arms are at their apex in the home. Laws that impede home defense are especially egregious violations of human rights.”

Zachary Stieber contributed to this report.
Tom Ozimek
Tom Ozimek
Tom Ozimek is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times. He has a broad background in journalism, deposit insurance, marketing and communications, and adult education.
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