FDA Bans Selling of Alleged CCP Virus Remedy

FDA Bans Selling of Alleged CCP Virus Remedy
Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), or Chlorine Dioxide, a powerful bleach according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is under fire since the agency admonished its producer and inventor Jim Humble to stop promoting and selling the drug as a remedy for killing the CCP virus which causes COVID-19 (FDA)
Victor Westerkamp

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) admonished the producer of a “Miracle Mineral Supplement” to stop selling unapproved and unauthorized products for the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of COVID-19.”

In a letter of Wednesday, April 8, co-signed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the FDA summoned Jim Humble the godfather of Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), or chlorine dioxide, to immediately stop selling and promoting his supplement as an agent that kills the CCP virus, or novel coronavirus as it is commonly known, which causes COVID-19.

“Despite previous warnings, the FDA is concerned that we are still seeing chlorine dioxide products being sold with misleading claims that they are safe and effective for the treatment of diseases, now including COVID-19, ”FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn said in a statement.

“The sale of these products can jeopardize a person’s health and delay proper medical treatment,” Hahn said. “We continue to take action and keep up our efforts to monitor for fraudulent treatments during this public health emergency and remind the public to seek medical help from their health care providers.”

Jim Humble, however, writes on his website: “Fake news has been active in denying that chlorine dioxide (as MMS) helps fight disease and has confused it with common household bleach. They deny the truth by telling lies. Common household bleach (NaClO) destroys pathogens through chlorination. Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) kills pathogens through the process of oxidation. There is a big difference.”

However, With this warning letter, it says, the FDA argues it merely uses its authority to protect the public from parties that sell unapproved remedies during the CCP virus crisis by making false and unsubstantiated claims.

“The FDA and other government agencies have written articles branding chlorine dioxide as extremely poisonous, except they have praised its use on food,” Humble, who calls himself archbishop of the Genesis 2 Church of Health and happiness, added.

The FDA stated that Humble violated the FD&C Act and must, within 48 hours send notification describing the specific steps taken to correct these violations.  Include an explanation of each step being taken to prevent the recurrence of violations, as well as copies of related documentation.  Failure to immediately correct the violations cited in this letter may result in legal action, including, without limitation, seizure and injunction.

NTD reached out to Jim Humble of the Genesis 2 Church of Health and Happiness for comment but hasn’t received a reply yet.

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