The use of ballot drop boxes has effectively been banned in South Dakota, with the state House passing the final version of an election bill on Wednesday following the Senate’s passage earlier this week containing the amendment adding drop box changes.
He said the bill was worked on by a number of lawmakers, county auditors, and the state Attorney General’s office.
What’s Changing?
Some of the changes include adding to conditions under which a county auditor, who oversees elections in South Dakota counties, can remove an absentee ballot from being counted.Currently, only absentee ballots belonging to someone who filed an absentee ballot but died before the election can be removed. The updated legislation changes the language to include those ”no longer eligible to vote due to death, felony conviction, or mental incompetence.”
Election officials must make open to poll watchers the process of sorting, validating and counting absentee ballots as well under the new legislation.
Ballot Drop Boxes
“The last major thing [the legislation] changes is that It effectively bans unmonitored and unsecured ballot drop boxes,” Stalzer said. “... already this last year, Lincoln County has banned the use of these. We saw things in [earlier elections] where people were harvesting ballots and dropping them off at all hours of the day or night. [The changes mean] that if you are going to have a drop box, it has to be manned and monitored and generally available to normal business hours.”
Stalzer added the bill still allows voters wishing to vote by absentee ballot to put a stamp on it and mail it in if the voter chooses to do so.
The bill passed the Senate mostly along party lines. Of the four Democrats in the South Dakota Senate, two voted against the bill while a third voted for the bill and a fourth was not present. Two Republican Senators crossed party lines to vote against the bill while the remaining 29 Republican Senators voted to send the bill to the House.
Drop Boxes in Other States
Other states have also curbed the use of ballot drop boxes following the 2020 presidential election.Proponents of the use of drop boxes in elections argue they offer a convenient and accessible option for voters to return their ballots.
The organization also says they are more convenient for election officials as they allow them to collect ballots directly from voters, avoiding issues with postal services and potential delays.