Dream Numbers: Baby Girl Born at 6:12 am on 6-12 Weighing 6 Lbs 12 Oz

Dream Numbers: Baby Girl Born at 6:12 am on 6-12 Weighing 6 Lbs 12 Oz
Stock image of a new born with the parent. Jarmoluk /Pixabay
Venus Upadhayaya

A baby girl was born in Nashville with an extraordinary set of numbers—on June 12 at 6:12 a.m., weighing 6 Lbs 12 Oz.

Saylor Elaine was welcomed by her parents at Vanderbilt University Medical Center with the extraordinary complementing numbers, reported News Channel 5.

The child and the mother are reportedly healthy and doing well.

All babies are special to their parents, but some babies are born under unique circumstances, getting them wider attention.

A baby in Plymouth, Devon, in July 2018 surprised her parents after they found out that she was born with a tiny tooth.

Isla-Rose Heasman’s tooth was removed when she was 12 days old, reported the BBC.

Heasman’s mother, Jasmin told the BBC that she never thought she would have to take her newborn to a dentist.

“She had to have it taken out as it was wobbly. She was braver than me, she didn’t really cry,” said Jasmin.

For Seven Trees Dental Access Centre, Heasman was the youngest patient they ever had.

Since she was a newborn, the dentist could not use anesthetic and had to use a numbing cream before removing the tooth.

“I had to go out of the room crying because I couldn’t stand seeing my princess in pain.

“It looks weird her not having a tooth now,” Jasmin told BBC.

Baby’s Dentist Alaa Jebur said the little one did not make a sound.

“I was on rotation at the hospital when Isla-Rose was born and was called in to check her when the maternity team noticed the tooth.

“It was a lovely coincidence when I was the dentist on duty when the family arrived at the dental access centre,” Jebur said, according to the BBC.

Stock image of a baby. (1095178/Pixabay)
Stock image of a baby. 1095178/Pixabay
Most babies get their first tooth when they are about four to seven months old. But in rare cases like Heasman’s, babies can be born with one or two teeth, according to Health Line.

These teeth are called natal teeth and about one in 2000 babies are born with them.

“About 15 percent of babies born with teeth have close family members that had natal teeth when they were born, too. These include siblings and parents,” explained the health website.
In another rare baby case, a baby in Turkey became a connoisseur for everyone’s eyes after he was born with a heart-shaped mark on his forehead, reported the Daily Mail.

Murat Engin, 30, and his wife Ceyda, 28, were up for a surprise when their son, Cinar, was born in November 2015. The child became an instant star with everyone around taking selfies with him.

“We love him and his birthmark,” said Engin.

“After a nurse cleaned the bloods on his head I was the first who see the birthmark on his head. I was really surprised. When I came to close his head I realized that it was an amazing heart. It was difficult for me to keep my tears,” said the dotting father.

The child obviously became a symbol of love.

“When his mother saw him and his birthmark, she started to cry.  It was really like a gift from God. None of us had negative feelings. We believe that he was born with his chance,” said Engin.

As a result, the parents set up an Instagram account for the child, so fans around the world can see Cinar’s cute birthmark as he grows older.

According to Medical News Today, most infants are born with a birthmark somewhere on their bodies.

Venus Upadhayaya
Venus Upadhayaya
Venus Upadhayaya reports on India, China, and the Global South. Her traditional area of expertise is in Indian and South Asian geopolitics. Community media, sustainable development, and leadership remain her other areas of interest.
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