A Delta flight was evacuated after smoke filled the cabin, with one passenger saying that it was the “scariest thing ever.”
The plane’s 153 passengers were evacuated via emergency exits located on the wing.
Another passenger told CNN that the cabin filled up with smoke as the plane made the landing.
“The oxygen masks never came down and people began to freak out,” D.J. Semenza told CNN. “The crew tried to keep calm and eventually called for an evacuation.”
Denver International Airport spokeswoman Emily Williams said that the smoke was detected before the plane reached the gate.
“The safety of Delta’s customers and crew is our top priority and we apologize for the concern this situation has caused,” Delta wrote Wednesday in a statement, Fox reported.
Video footage taken inside the plane before the evacuation showed smoke in the cabin. Passengers could be heard saying “let us out” while flight attendants told passengers to keep their heads down.
A woman who said she was on the flight wrote on Twitter that a baby was the “last one” who was evacuated.
“After arrival in Denver and during taxi to the gate, Delta Flight 1854 from Detroit to Denver stopped on a taxiway where customers deplaned via slides and over-wing exits due to an observance of smoke in the cabin,” Delta told Fox News.
“Airport response vehicles met the aircraft out of an abundance of caution and customers were transported to the terminal via buses,” Delta stated.