Children’s Health Defense is hosting two free virtual screenings of the feature-length documentary film “Introducing Homeopathy” on Feb. 17 at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET.
The film aims to tell the story of homeopathy through interviews with some of the world’s leading homeopaths, medical practitioners, and scientists.
“Even though Homeopathy is widely used around the globe and has a long history of being used by many famous and influential people, still many people are unaware of the life-promoting benefits of Homeopathy,” Kim Elia, homeopath and co-executive producer of the documentary, told The Epoch Times via email.
He said he produced the film with his wife, Micki, and worked with others on producing, directing, and scriptwriting.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that was developed in the late 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann. It is based on the idea that “like cures like,” meaning that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat similar symptoms in a person who is ill.
Homeopathic remedies are typically made from highly diluted substances, such as plants, minerals, or animal products.
The remedies are typically available as small tablets, pellets, and drops that are placed under the tongue and as topical creams or lotions.
“The film showcases many people who were healed as well as the homeopaths who healed them. It also gives scientific background on what makes homeopathy work,” Mary Holland, CEO of Children’s Health Defense, told The Epoch Times via email.

Homeopathic remedy. Courtesy of ‘Introducing Homeopathy’
Elia said that Nobel Prize winners Professor Luc Montagnier and Professor Brian Josephson (after whom the Josephson effect in quantum physics is named) have found evidence to support the biological effect of the nano-doses that are used in homeopathy.
Elia, who refers to himself as a lay homeopath, lives in Northern California about 90 minutes from Oregon. He has been involved in various capacities in the homeopathic community for almost 40 years. He has produced homeopathic software, created educational opportunities in homeopathy, and taught homeopathy all over the world.

Kim Elia. Courtesy of Kim Elia
“I have witnessed so many remarkable results with Homeopathy that I wanted others to know about the possibilities it offers for mitigating or even eliminating both acute and chronic ailments,” Elia said.
“Many people out there are suffering needlessly. This film lets them know that there are other options available to them.”
Elia said the film shares success stories of how homeopathy is helping two autistic children, one with seizures and another who was completely nonverbal at the age of 9, as well as the story of a dog whose bones were mended with homeopathic remedies.
“We also travelled to the UK to document how farmers are using Homeopathy to increase their crop yields and improve the health of their livestock,” he said.
More than 30 medical doctors, 20 naturopathic doctors, 4 people with Ph.D. degrees, 3 doctors of veterinary medicine, and 2 Nobel laureates were interviewed for the film, Elia said.
Elia said they partnered with Children’s Health Defense (CHD) to show the movie because he and others behind the film are supporters of the work that the nonprofit is doing to make the general population aware of the science behind vaccines and other important social and environmental issues.
“We also felt that the CHD audience would be particularly interested in what Homeopathy has to offer since many of them are disillusioned with many aspects of the current medical system,” he said.
CHD was founded by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who recently stepped down to focus on his confirmation process as the next U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary.
Elia said that homeopathy is in line with the Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) movement, which involves the promotion of better healthier food, reducing the amount of toxins and contaminants coming from the environment, and employing natural therapeutic methods that support the body’s natural ability to heal.
Holland said: “It’s completely aligned with the MAHA movement because this is a modality that works and has extremely few side effects compared to mainstream medicine. It is also inexpensive compared to pharmaceuticals. We are happy to provide this excellent introduction to the public for free.”

Courtesy of ‘Introducing Homeopathy’