In a bizarre Twitter exchange on Jan. 2, Chelsea Clinton wished The Church of Satan a Happy New Year, saying “It’s been so long!”
The Church of Satan replied, “Same to you, here’s to a great 2018!”
The exchange quickly raised a few eyebrows.
Chelsea Clinton has run into similar controversy in the past, including her wearing a necklace with an inverted cross, a symbol of the anti-Christ.
Other users pointed to former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and his leaked email exchange with his brother, Democrat lobbyist Tony Podesta, and dark performance artist Marina Abramović about joining a “spirit cooking” event.
Spirit cooking dinners involve the use of blood, sperm, and breast milk, and participants engage in other dark activities.
Hillary Clinton has also been criticized in the past for citing communist radical Saul Alinsky as one of her mentors. Alinsky infamously dedicated his book, “Rules for Radicals” to Lucifer.
During the 2016 election, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and former presidential candidate Ben Carson said at the Republican National Convention: “This [Alinsky] was someone that she greatly admired, and that affected all of her philosophies subsequently.”
“Are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges Lucifer?” Carson said. “Think about that.”