The Epoch Times sat down with Bernie Rivers, the Democrat candidate for Orange County Sheriff at his campaign office in Goshen, New York, on Sept. 26.
Rivers, the sole Democrat contender for the county’s top law enforcement job, faces Republican Paul Arteta in the general election. Carmen DeStefano, a retired investigator, also runs as a write-in candidate.
The incumbent sheriff, Carl Dubois, is retiring after 20 years in office.
The below interview was edited for brevity and clarity.
“I like the outdoors. When I was younger, I did a lot of hunting and fishing. You understand that traditional police officers work out of police stations, but environmental officers work out of their homes.
“They give you a car, they give you all equipment, and you live in the area where you are assigned to patrol. You set your own schedules around your enforcement activities, and you report to headquarters once a month.”

“Working at corrections and police departments gave me the experience to qualify for the DEC test.
“I became a correctional officer at 18. I put myself through a police academy and became a part-time police officer in Mount Hope, New York, at 19. That was a bit out of the realm of things because most people at the time, including the police chief, were under the impression that you could not become a police officer until you were 21.
“I told the chief, ‘No, that’s not what the law says. The law says you couldn’t legally purchase a firearm until you are 21, but if the police department gives me a gun, I can legally carry it.’ The chief made a phone call to a governing body of the police, and they told him that I was correct. Then he hired me.”
“For example, in terms of fish laws, there are what we call catch limits depending on the types of fish and seasons. If someone violates the legal limits, we can fine as much as $250 per fish. We patrol on foot, by car, or by boat. I approached people and asked them whether they had a license or if they had caught anything. Sometimes they said no, but when I looked around, I found the fish they had hidden.
“Occasionally, when I was talking to people, depending on the way they answered my questions or their body language, I could feel something was not right. I would ask for their driver’s licenses. Then when I ran their licenses through the system, I found out they had outstanding warrants.

“Later I was promoted to an investigator, and I got to work on more complex cases. My biggest environmental case had to do with the bankrupt Westwood chemical. We eventually held the bank, not the owner, accountable for the illegal disposal of chemicals, which I think was the first time that was ever done in the state.
“My biggest hunting case was about a grandfather who shot and killed his grandson during hunting in Port Jervis. As conservation officers, we are mandated by our policy to investigate all hunter-related shooting incidents in the state. In some cases, people could lose their hunting privileges.”
“About four years ago, somebody asked me to run for sheriff here in Orange County. I would be interested in running because we hadn’t had a Democrat running for sheriff here since 2002. But I said no because I thought the current sheriff, Carl Dubois, did a good job. When Dubois announced that he was going to retire, I ran.

“I ran because I believe that my record, my experience, and my managerial skills are what is needed to continue to bring the sheriff’s office into 21st-century policing. I do not believe I need to have worked for the sheriff’s office to be able to manage the sheriff’s office.
“I understand how correctional facilities operate, I had done traditional police work with local police departments, and I have specialized police work as a conservation officer. When I became the chief conservation officer for the mid-Hudson Valley region, I had to manage the small pot of money that was allocated to me to run the seven counties.
“As a director of law enforcement at DEC, I oversaw 350 uniformed officers statewide, managed our 30 million-plus budgets, and collaborated with other division managers.
“I think the laws are unconstitutional. I believe once this makes its way back up to the Supreme Court, it is going to be struck down.
“Since I ran, I met a lot of people who looked at me and said, ‘Well, you are a Democrat. You want to take my guns away.’

“Having been in the law enforcement field for 40 years, I believe in law and order. But I also believe there need to be some changes in terms of police reform. I’d like to see people being treated equally across the board, and that all comes down to training.”
“But I think that was a major problem in New York City, but rather than addressing it within the city, they came out with this statewide bail reform. That doesn’t work because upstate counties are not set up the way the largest cities are set up.
“Too much was done too fast by the state legislature without consulting the people that have to work under those conditions.
“Also, I want to stress that the county sheriff is not a legislator. The county sheriff doesn’t write laws. A lot of people are upset with national politics and state politics, and I want people to remember that county politics is different.
“Just because you are upset with national Democrats, voters should not be voting strictly on part line in county elections. They should do their research for their candidates and elect the best person to fulfill that position.
“And that’s the only thing I’m asking people to do when they are looking at my resume.”