Californian Congressional Candidate Wants to Support the President and Bring Back Christian Values

Californian Congressional Candidate Wants to Support the President and Bring Back Christian Values
Republican candidate for Congress, Phil Liberatore and wife (front sitting) with supporters on May 24, 2018 in La Mirada, California. Jenny Liu/Epoch Times

LA MIRADA, Calif.--For many devout Christians in America, Trump’s presidency not only heralds the revival of the economy, but also the return of Judeo-Christian values. Such a Christian is Phil Liberatore, the Republican candidate for Congress in Orange County, California.

California’s 39th congressional district, once a Republican stronghold, is now divided equally between the two parties. Earlier this year, representative Ed Royce announced his retirement, leaving an open seat, which has attracted 17 candidates before the June 5 primary. The one candidate actively promoting Trump’s agenda is Liberatore.

‘It’s time to support our President’

Born to an Italian immigrant family, the 64-year-old Liberatore is an ordained minister and a strong Trump supporter.

Liberatore sees  “the Democrats and some establishment ‘deep state’ Republicans are fighting Trump’s agenda” and is concerned about the increasing national debt, the not-yet-defunded Planned Parenthood, and the not-yet-built border wall. He said that “it’s time to step up and run for the United States Congress and support our President.”

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“I want to thank my great country of United States for the dream I’m living. I want to preserve that dream for younger generations to come.”

Continue to Stimulate the Economy

Liberatore is a CPA, owns two companies, and never held political office before. He is glad to see economic improvements under Trump’s new policies.
It was reported that the low tax rate introduced after the reform of the tax laws by the Trump administration has led American companies to increase total profits in the first quarter of 2018 by more than 50 percent, which also made this quarter the best revenue quarter since 2011.

According to data from the Department of Labor, the number of U.S. applicants for state unemployment benefits fell by 24,000 during the week ending April 21, reaching a seasonally adjusted 209,000, which is the lowest level since December 1969. In December 2017 the unemployment rate for African-Americans hit its lowest rate since the government started tracking it in 1972.
As a CPA, Liberatore has witnessed taxpayers suffering due to the abuse of power by the IRS. He believes the IRS is not the only bureaucracy that needs reform. “We need to trim the government, reduce taxes, and continue to stimulate the U.S. economy.”


Liberatore is most concerned about abortion and the federal funding of Planned Parenthood. The organization received more than $500 million in government funding last year, while performing more than 300,000 abortions across the United States. In 2015, it was revealed that Planned Parenthood had been involved in the sale of infant tissue and organs.
Liberatore said, “Babies are a God-given gift to us, the creation of humanity. I want Planned Parenthood defunded as quickly as possible. I think abortion is not good for the country.”

Pro-Family, Pro-Second Amendment

With the mass school shootings around the country, gun rights and the Second Amendment have become controversial topics. Liberatore considers the purpose of the Second Amendment is to “protect the people from government intrusion rather than hurting people. They blame the Second Amendment because they’re ignorant. If there was armed security there, the person who was bringing harm and death on the school campuses would be totally eliminated. That happened in a couple of cases. You just don’t hear about it on the news.”

Liberatore believes that the shooting tragedies were largely caused by broken families. “A lot of kids don’t have their father living in their households. They are just not raised in a traditional family setting. It’s just unfortunate because they need that guidance, they need that discipline, and they need that pair of parents watching over them.”

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Liberatore and his wife have been married for 35 years. They raised two daughters. One is getting her Ph.D. and one is starting a small business. “I try my best to encourage them to be good people, good girls, and good parents.”

Rebuilding Judeo-Christian Values

Pro-family, pro-life and pro-Second Amendment. In the blue state of California, it takes courage to voice these ideas. Liberatore believes that California needs conservative voices.

“This country is based upon Judeo-Christian values and that’s something we need to rebuild in this country. The moral fabric has faded. The Christian values this country was founded on, faded.”

Liberatore said that many leftists, extremists, and progressives use “tolerance” as an excuse to suppress freedom of speech and to ban speakers in colleges and communities. “I think it’s very important we become united again and listen to one another and love each other, honor each other and respect each other. That’s the crossroads we are in right now in America.”

“A Godly Candidate,” Supporters Say

Puredi and Ruth Hillary, from the Shiloh Tabernacle Church in Rancho Cucamonga, are among Liberatore’s enthusiastic supporters. Ruth Hillary, a pediatrician and a pastor, stated that for 25 years, they “have been praying, even driving to Sacramento hoping to find a candidate who believes in God and pro-life.” When Liberatore came to their church, they finally found the Godly candidate they had been searching for.

“He is a man of God,” Puredi Hillary said, “he will help facilitate the agenda of conservatives and also Christians. I believe more and more Christians and conservatives can come together in order to promote things more Godly, and solve the partisanship.”

At present, 80 percent of Liberatore’s campaign fund comes from donations, and 20 percent are loans made by himself. He encourages voters to go to his campaign website for more details.