California University Doctor Accused of Sex Abuse Sees License Suspended

California University Doctor Accused of Sex Abuse Sees License Suspended
The University of Southern California is pictured in Los Angeles, California, U.S., May 22, 2018. (Reuters//Mike Blake)

LOS ANGELES—A former University of Southern California (USC) gynecologist, accused of sexually assaulting hundreds of students, has agreed to a suspension of his medical license, officials said on Wednesday.

Dr. George Tyndall reached an agreement this week with the Medical Board of California temporarily prohibiting him from practicing medicine until it makes a final decision on the status of his license, board spokeswoman Susan Wolbarst said.

Tyndall is retired and has no plans to return to practice, his lawyer told Reuters in an email.

“His efforts at this time are directed toward the defense of the pending criminal investigation and civil cases,” Peter Osinoff said.

“He stipulated to suspend his license to practice until this matter can be resolved. There were no findings or admissions.”

USC has not responded to a request for comment on the suspension.

Tyndall resigned from USC last year after an internal inquiry found that some of his examination practices went beyond accepted medical standards and that he had harassed patients. He has not been charged with any crime.

The university had suspended Tyndall in 2016 after a complaint from a health worker accusing him of making sexually inappropriate comments to patients.

USC president C.L. Max Nikias stepped down in August after an outcry from faculty and students, who said the school was slow to act over complaints against Tyndall.

The university has acknowledged failing to properly act on at least eight complaints of inappropriate conduct made against Tyndall between 2000 and 2014.

Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred, who represents dozens of women who have filed lawsuits in civil court accusing Tyndall of sexual misconduct, said the medical board received several declarations from USC students.

“The suspension or ultimate revocation of a professional license is, for any professional, like the death penalty for their profession,” Allred told a news conference on Wednesday with two of the students who submitted declarations.

A hotline and special website USC set up in May have received scores of reports from concerned patients, the university said.

USC has a high percentage of international students.

The Chinese government in May voiced “deep concern” over reports many of Tyndall’s alleged victims were from China.