The state of Florida saw more jobs than New York for the first time in four decades in 2022, which many see as part of a trend of Americans moving out of states like New York in search of a low-tax, low-cost lifestyle.
New York imposed harsh measures during the pandemic, with statewide restrictions and lockdowns. The job market was subsequently hit hard. In contrast, restrictions were fewer and less severe in Florida, and it was able to increasingly attract people from different sectors, including finance and tech, to the state.
Florida Tops in Resident Additions, Zero Taxes
Over the years, the job gap between Florida and New York has been narrowing as American citizens move south, relocating to states with lower taxes.When it came to states that lost the most residents, California topped the list with 343,230 people moving out, followed by New York with a loss of 299,557 individuals. Illinois, New Jersey, and Massachusetts made up the remaining three of the top five on the list.
According to a map by the organization Americans for Tax Reform, the five states which attracted the most residents had Republican-controlled legislatures. Except for North Carolina, the others also have Republican governors. In contrast, states that lost residents were controlled by Democrats other than Massachusetts.
With regard to personal taxes, Florida beats New York hands down. While New Yorkers faced an individual income tax rate of 10.9 percent in 2022, according to The Tax Foundation, residents in Florida were subject to no individual income tax.
Florida Economic Plan
Florida’s rise in jobs comes as Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is preparing a slew of measures to boost the state’s economy. In his Fiscal Year 2023–24 Framework for Freedom Budget, he has set aside $170.9 million for the state’s Small Business Credit Initiative to support small-business lending opportunities.There is an allocation of $100 million for broadband, equity, access, and deployment program (BEAD), while another $100 million is set aside for the Florida Job Growth Grant Fund to support workforce and infrastructure projects throughout the state. The initiative also provides $32.6 million to modernize and enhance Florida’s Reemployment Assistance system.