Bureau of Prisons Fast-Tracking Gender Therapy Surgeries for Ex Neo-Nazi

Bureau of Prisons Fast-Tracking Gender Therapy Surgeries for Ex Neo-Nazi
Weapons and a flag with the Nazi swastika are displayed by Italian police after they were seized in a raid on a neo-nazi group in Italy, on Nov. 28, 2019. Polizia di Stato/Handout via REUTERS

The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) said in a June 17 court filing that it is working to procure “gender confirmation surgeries” tailored to the specific needs of transgender inmate Donna Langan, formerly known as Pete Langan—the notorious ex neo-Nazi bank robber who claims to have knowledge about co-conspirators involved in the Oklahoma City bombing.

BOP said in its joint status report with Langan that a separate procurement process for his gender confirmation surgeries—as opposed to the standard procurement process for other transgender inmates—will likely result in him acquiring such services more quickly.

Langan, who has renounced his neo-Nazi past and resides in a female prison in Texas, initially sued the BOP last September, claiming he was being denied gender confirmation surgeries. The BOP responded in January by saying that it had, in fact, approved the surgeries, and both parties submitted a report on June 17 detailing the progress that has been made.

According to the filing, Langan attended an initial consultation on June 10, 2022, with a surgeon in Dallas, Texas.

“This consultation was arranged in part to inform the procurement process with respect to Plaintiff’s need for gender confirmation surgical services. BOP is continuing to communicate with the Dallas-based surgeon to obtain information on the nature of treatment needed to meet Plaintiff’s needs and technical information to be incorporated into the solicitation,” the status report says.

“BOP will use information acquired from the surgeon to finalize the Request for Contract Action, and then proceed with the competitive bidding process.”

BOP said it was conducting a procurement process tailored for Langan’s specific needs—separate from the process used for other transgender inmates.

“BOP has been following a procurement process to enter into a contract for a range of gender confirmation surgical services that BOP can then use to provide such services to various individuals within its custody. As that process has advanced, BOP has determined it will also pursue a separate procurement focused on, and specifically for, Plaintiff’s surgical needs. BOP believes that such a focused procurement will likely result in providing services to Plaintiff more quickly,” the status report says, not mentioning what Langan’s specific needs are.

“BOP is therefore preparing certain procurement documents—a Request for Contract Action that includes a Performance Work Statement and other documents—tailored to the gender confirmation surgeries and related services that Plaintiff requires.”

The parties said in the status report that they believe the case can be resolved without further litigation. The BOP promised to send Langan monthly updates on the progress towards her gender confirmation surgeries.

Judge Dabney Friedrich granted the parties’ request on June 17 to stay the case until Sept. 16, 2022. The next status report is due two days before that.

Langan’s transgender history dates back to at least the 1990s when he was the leader of the neo-Nazi group Aryan Republican Army (ARA)—as detailed in the late investigator Roger Charles’ book, “Oklahoma City: What the Investigation Missed and Why it Matters.”

“Langan was a secret cross-dresser, and when he wasn’t fomenting revolution with neo-Nazis, he was seriously considering a sex-change operation. Recently he had been wearing dresses, high heels, lipstick, and nail polish, and attended gender-bending parties under the name Donna McClure,” Charles wrote with his co-author, Andrew Gumbel.

“Was Langan wedded to the revolutionary cause or committed to a path of self-discovery that his white supremacist cohorts would not only find repugnant but might see as grounds to kill him?”

While Langan was trying to keep his gender experimentation hidden from his neo-Nazi cohorts, the FBI was hot on the ARA’s trail for robbing at least 22 banks from 1994 to 1996. On Jan. 18, 1996, law enforcement raided Langan’s safehouse in Columbus, Ohio, shooting at him 48 times in the process.

Langan survived with no direct hits, but his secret ‘Donna’ persona was exposed in the aftermath: Paramedics noticed his chest, legs, and pubic hair were shaved, his fingernails were two inches long, and his toenails bore traces of pink polish, according to Charles’ book.

After Langan’s arrest, he has since claimed that some of his fellow ARA members were involved in the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The Epoch Times reported on these claims in April.

Moira Meltzer-Cohen, an attorney representing Langan, told The Epoch Times in April that Langan has renounced his neo-Nazi past, but said an interview with Langan about his Oklahoma City knowledge would likely not be possible. Langan’s attorneys have not responded to a June 20 follow-up email renewing this reporter’s interview request.