Baby Saved by Gas Station Workers


Two Kansas city gas station workers jumped into action when a baby was brought into the store having a seizure.

The scorching hot temperatures make the water a good place to be. “We were trying to have a good day at the beach, and go to the lake and have some fun. It was way too hot to stay at home,” said Alexandria Thieme.

Thieme said it was a great day till her 15-month-old son got a little cranky on the way home. “At that time is when his temperature started rising and so we stopped at Casey’s,” said Thieme. “So I could get some cold drinks for everybody.”

A friend stayed in the air-conditioned car with baby Xavier while she ran inside. But as she was checking out, her friend Austin came running into the store with Xavier who was actively having a seizure.

Thieme said, “He was shaking and he wouldn’t look at me and he couldn’t talk to me. It was the scariest moment of my life.”

As she panicked, not knowing what to do, two Casey’s employees rushed to help.

“It was my mommy instincts. I just pictured, god forbid, it was one of my kids or just any human being, you need to jump in and do what you can when you can,” said Casey’s employee Erica Jones.

Incredibly Jones’s co-worker Taylor Swangurim has a seizure disorder, and together, the two women knew exactly what to do to help.

“She’s like, ‘You need to lay him down on his side. She said, ’Go get him a cold washcloth and ice pack to put on his head so we can lower his temperature.' and it kind of stopped,” said Thieme.

Xavier went to the hospital by ambulance.

Doctors think the baby had a virus, leading to his afternoon fever, put into overdrive by the heat of the sun, causing a seizure.

Thieme hopes it’s a once in a lifetime experience and is thankful two guardian angels came to her baby’s rescue—helping save his life.

“Heroic. They were my heroes that day,” said Thieme.

Jones said, “I wouldn’t call myself a hero, just an ordinary person that would hope that god forbid, me or my child or any other human being were in the same situation, someone would come to our rescue and help us.”

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