The American School Counselor Association’s (ASCA) certification test teaches critical race theory (CRT) and radical gender ideology as facts, according to documents obtained by parental rights activist Alvin Lui.
“This isn’t just like 10 or 15 percent of school counselors that are very ideological and very radical,” he told The Epoch Times. “The whole system is training these counselors to be this way.”
Lui’s organization, Courage Is a Habit, paid to take the ASCA’s school counselor certification test.
He found questions that seemed more appropriate to an activist group than to a mental health professional, he said.
“When these counselors come out, they are going to exercise their training. And they influence the children in the way that they’ve been taught to interact with them,” Lui said.

ASCA influences schools and schoolchildren by training 43,000 school counselors.
Racism Remedy
“The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination,” Kendi has written in his book, “How to be Anti-Racist.”A multi-choice question about the author’s teachings reads:
“According to Kendi, if you do not want to support the racist status quo, you can. A. Strive to consistently be non-racist; B. Actively promote Cisgender Rights; C. Model Ethnocentrism for students and stakeholders; D. Advocate for antiracist policies and practices; E. All of the above.”
Cisgender rights involve standing up for people who “identify” with their biological gender. Ethnocentrism is a pattern of thought judging your culture’s ways are superior to other cultures. Antiracist policies involve countering racial prejudice, historic oppression, and so-called systemic racism by promoting equity, usually to the disadvantage of whites, especially white males.
The correct answer, according to the exam, would answer D.
The test also condemns so-called “microaggressions” and encourages a departure from the past to fight “white privilege.”
Identifying and fighting microaggressions are key premises to antiracist practices. Microaggressions are said to be instances of subtle, even unintentional, discrimination against any “marginalized” person. Antiracism teachings regard people of non-white races and ethnicities to be marginalized and need special privileges.
“Speaking up against white privilege might cause?” the test offers.
The supplied answers include “A. Giving up on traditions, customs, and procedures; B. Others to be unhappy with you; C. Both A and B; D. Neither A nor B.”
Correct, according to the association, is C. Both A and B.
To start “critical conversations,” the test suggests that school counselors should ask elementary school students questions such as “How often have you thought about your race in the last 24 hours? In the last week?”
Another question asks, “The statement ‘All Lives Matter’ is an example of?”
Its answers include “A. Cultural blindness; B. Cultural incapacity; C. Cultural destructiveness; D. Cultural competence; E. Cultural pre-competence?”
The association considers “Cultural blindness” to be the correct answer. The term, as defined by the American Psychological Association Dictionary of Psychology is “the inability to understand how particular matters might be viewed by people of a different culture because of a rigid adherence to the views, attitudes, and values of one’s own culture or because the perspective of one’s own culture is sufficiently limiting to make it difficult to see alternatives.”
Another part of the exam asserts, “If you are a white professional school counselor, it’s important to reflect on your role as an ally.”
Gender Confusion
The certification questions say that school counselors also need to normalize transgenderism while hiding it from parents.“If a student discloses that they are trans, non-binary, or exploring their gender, you must report that to caretakers,” one yes-or-no question states.
According to the answer key, the correct answer is “No.”
Another question urges counselors to let transgender-identifying children participate in school athletics.
ASCA’s questions encourage counselors to get better results for transgender-identifying children by plastering the school with rainbow flag stickers, creating an LGBT sexuality club, and addressing a child by preferred pronouns and preferred name, even if it’s not on the school’s official roster, approved by parents.

Selling CRT, Transgenderism
Lui said the questions show today’s school counseling is about convincing children of CRT and transgender identity.“When they look at a white kid, they’re taught to see that the white child has unconscious or unbiased racism,” Lui said. “If they look at a non-white kid, they’re taught to treat them like they’re oppressed.”
If a child has mental health issues, counselors are taught to consider whether the child might be transgender, he said.
“They’re taught to always manipulate the feelings or values of a child,” Lui said.
ASCA has a history of promoting the cover-up of students’ sexual decisions.
She told her audience about a time when a school counselor asked her for advice. She said the counselor had given birth control to a student without the parent’s permission.
“Do you: One—Do you tell her to go back and convince the student to tell her parent? Or do you tell her: Two—Call the girl’s mother yourself and confess? Or do you tell her: Three—Hold your breath and pray?” Carolyn B. Stone, the current ASCA ethics chairman and past president, said.
The audience laughed and cheered for the third option.
“Three, I hear,” Stone responded. “See, you are all ready to be part of the ethics committee! So sign up.”
Definitions Become Domination
Lui predicted that as more parents remove their children from public schools, ASCA will attempt to enter the home.The organization’s broad definitions for terms like “mental health,” “safety,” and “abuse” likely will result in targeting of conservative parents, he added.
“If a father and mother doesn’t call their daughter five different pronouns or names, these counselors are in there going, ‘Your parents are unsafe. Your parents are abusive. And we’re the safe place. We’re your family,” he said.
If refusing to use a child’s preferred gender pronouns counts as abuse, any parent who thinks his or her child isn’t transgender can be classified as abusive, Lui said.

“If you don’t succumb to the delusion, the transgender ideology, you are ‘unsafe,’ you are ‘abusive,’” Lui said. “The ultimate goal is to separate the child from the parents.”
The idea that parents could have their children stolen because they won’t call their boy a girl seems crazy, Lui said.
But five years ago, the idea that men should compete in women’s sports seemed crazy, he said. It happened.
“No one thought that that was going to make it into official policy in schools. And now here we are,” he said.
If American parents don’t take action today, government employees stealing children because parents won’t embrace transgenderism may be common tomorrow, Lui said.
If American parents want to homeschool their children without government interference, they should fight now, he suggested.
“When you start hearing the parents aren’t safe, you'd better fight that very, very hard.”