“Today in America, we are living in a time of war. Our country has been invaded by communist forces that are training 49.4 million American public school children to become Marxist revolutionaries,” reads the introduction of a new book by Julie Behling, a former missionary to Russia in the late 90s.
Ms. Behling was a missionary in Russia in the late 90’s and attended graduate school at Florida State University from 2000–04 pursuing a dual master’s degree in Russian Languages & Literature (Slavic) and Russian & East European Studies.
In an interview with the Chinese language edition of The Epoch Times, Ms. Behling explained the motivation behind the book, “Beneath Sheep’s Clothing: The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today’s America.”
During her graduate study, Ms. Behling conducted research in Russia on the topic of underground Christians.
Infiltration on American Soils
Previously in her graduate research, she identified the three tactics generally employed by the Russian communists: oppression, infiltration, and propaganda in education and media.The 2008 incident prompted her further research of communists on American soil. She found that communist infiltration in America has continued for nearly a century, along with anti-religious propaganda taking over education.
“Communist takeover of culture in America [has been happening] with all of the critical race theory, queer theory, gender theory and stuff in the education and in the media. And now, the evangelical churches have also been infiltrated with communism from the top down in America in the last 10 years,” said Ms. Behling.
With this realization, she started the book, which she finished about 80 percent of by 2011.
However, doubt about how many people would have paid any attention to the book at the time and financial hardship along with the birth of her boy had her set aside the book for a decade.
When she decided to finish her book in the summer of 2021, she was “horrified” to find how badly “the communist incursion within education” in America had advanced.
“It was just a hostility towards Christianity in the schools,” such as not letting kids bring a Bible to school or wearing a cross, but suddenly, the “Neo Marxist constructs completely took over our education;” critical race theory, queer theory, gender theory, are widespread in K through 12 education.
Even children’s television programs have transgender baby Muppets and a Blue’s Clues pride parade for 2-year-olds, she said.
“This is not fiction. This is a wake-up call to the American people—to everyone with children in schools, to Christians, and to anyone who cares about freedom,” states an intro to the book.Ms. Behling said her research showed that the Soviet Union oppressed Christians by brainwashing them with anti-religious propaganda in education, the media, and all throughout society. They arrested and imprisoned all clergy, sending them to gulags.

They kept hammering them heavily, taking their children and putting them in atheistic boarding schools and psychiatric prisons, and infiltrating the churches with KGB agents to control them from within.
She also referenced Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist who came up with cultural Marxism as a way to get the West to fall to communism.
“And they had to infiltrate education, media, the law, the church, and the family in order to do so … that’s what they’ve been hard at work at for the last many decades,” said Ms. Behling.
Consequently, “we see a widespread rejection of Judeo-Christian ethics in America. We see the family being subverted. We see children are being taught in the schools with the social and emotional learning curricula,” she said.
But, communism is a big lie. When it’s touted, “we’re going to help the oppressed,” in reality, it’s “we’re going to murder millions of people … We’re going to take your freedom.”
The fruits of communism are “impoverishment, enslavement, and death. Everywhere communism is implemented, that is what occurs,” emphasized Ms. Behling.
Who Are They?
When asked who are the people enabling the implementation of the communist agenda in America, Ms. Behling mentioned the establishment of Communist Party USA in 1919.She said that there are monopolistic capitalists in America linking arms with communists, which are the total antithesis of each other. “But they’re both groups that want power, and that want a maximum centralization of power in order to keep the masses in check.
“So we’ve had like the Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation funding communist agendas, funding the infiltration of the churches, funding the education being infiltrated.”
She explained a paradigm of five groups of people in sheep’s clothing, enabling communist agendas in America and probably worldwide.
At the very top are “the moneybags and the puppet masters,” who just want to control the masses. So they will happily use their vast wealth to fund these operations that keep the population down so they can keep their power at the top.
There’s the avowed communists, the fellow travelers which are the leftist progressives, socialists, and the dupes.
She put the dupes into two categories: level one dupes are people that fall for the nice sounding promises, such as “I’m going to do a march for Black Lives Matter.” And level two dupes are people who know that something’s wrong, but they don’t want to say anything about it because they don’t want to be called a bigot.

Speak Out Against the Agendas
“So we need to do the opposite,” Ms. Behling spoke of ways to stop the spread of these agendas and their influences on children.“We need to be bold, and we need to say something. We need to learn what these agendas are, and speak out about them and educate people and have a mass awakening so that we can prevent the full implementation of these agendas,” she said.
“It’s going to be about word of mouth,” she said about an upcoming documentary being made about her book and all the people who are working to get this information out, especially parents and grandparents who have children in schools, “people need to understand what’s going on there and pull their kids out.”
She is homeschooling her 9-year-old son. As a single mother, she admitted that it’s not easy to homeschool among work and everything else. “It’s very difficult, actually. But it’s what I know that I have to do. And hopefully, communities can work together and help people and band together.”
She’d like to remind anyone who cares about freedom to listen to the voices of people from former communists or people who previously lived in communist lands to understand what communism is and does.
Ms. Behling described communism as “the biggest, the most evil, deadly, murderous form of government the world has ever seen.”
She emphasized: “People need to understand that we’ve been in a war for many decades. And because we didn’t know we were at war, the other side was winning. But now if we can wake enough people up and realize what has been happening, that’s my hope.”
With her work, she believes that once a person sees how this Marxist playbook works, how these agendas work, and how it parallels not just what happened in the Soviet Union, but also China and all these other communist regimes, “once you really see that, you can’t unsee it.”
Ms. Behling is excited to have an online premiere toward the end of January.
“We’re talking about January 2, doing an online screening of the rough cut for media,” she said.
According to Ms. Behling, the first live premiere for the film will be in Phoenix, Arizona, on Jan. 11, 12, and 13; live premieres in Salt Lake will start around Jan. 13.