MONTGOMERY—Alabamians would be able to donate part of their state income tax refunds to help build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico, according to a bill the state Senate advanced Thursday, March 21.
Senators voted 23-6 Thursday to approve the bill that would allow residents to check a box on their state income tax form and donate to We Build The Wall Inc., a nonprofit started by a veteran. According to the group’s website, the organization is focused on privately building portions of a border wall with Mexico.
“I think it’s a way for Alabamians to say to the president and to the nation that we think strong border security is important. We want to promote that. We want Washington to build that wall,” said Republican Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh, who sponsored the proposal and is considering a run for U.S. Senate in 2020.

The Alabama Senate voted along party lines Thursday. The bill now moves to the Alabama House of Representatives.
Sen. Bobby Singleton, a Democrat, called the proposal a Republican “feel-good” bill.
“What about the Northern border? More people are crossing over the Northern border but you don’t want to pay them any attention,” Singleton said.
Poll: National Emergency for Border Wall
Likely voters who support President Donald Trump welcomed the government shutdown and national emergency to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.Rasmussen, the polling agency favored by President Trump, said it found that “voters don’t think Democrats will ever okay funding for President Trump’s border wall.”

Meanwhile, 42 percent of likely voters favor the declaration of a national emergency to fund the border wall if Congress fails to pass a spending measure for it, the pollster said, adding that it’s up about 3 percentage points from a month ago.
Rasmussen polled 1,000 likely voters on Feb. 11 and Feb. 12, days before Trump declared a national emergency to fund the wall.

The pollster noted that on Feb. 15, 2011, during President Obama’s first term, 48 percent of voters approved of the job the former president was doing.
“Daily tracking results are collected via telephone surveys of 500 likely voters per night and reported on a three-day rolling average basis,” said Rasmussen.