The abortion doctor who hoarded over 2,000 medically preserved fetal remains at his Illinois house told a filmmaker last year that his experience of bombings during World War II shaped his perception of humanity.
Filmmaker Mark Archer interviewed Ulrich Klopfer at his Fort Wayne, Indiana, clinic on Oct. 18, 2018.
Archer said that he found Klopfer “very lonely.”
Klopfer told Archer that he lived with his aunt in Dresden, Germany in 1945 and lived through the Allies bombing the city for several consecutive days.
At least 35,000 people, and up to 150,000 people, died in the city, according to different sources.
Klopfer described the experience, including how Russian soldiers drove through some areas “shooting at anything and everything” and recalling how the family who lived across the street from his aunt had their house bombed.
“The effects of the war may have probably not have had a positive effect…on my perception, okay?” Klopfer told Archer.
“On your perception of what?” Archer asked him.
“Of human beings…what they do to each other,” Klopfer said.

Archer said the moment saddened him.
“That was obviously a defining moment in his life,” Archer said, adding, “It made me sad for the boy that became the monster.”
Authorities announced on Sept. 13 that Klopfer’s family found the fetal remains at his Will County, Illinois, house while going through his belongings following the doctor’s Sept. 3 death.
“The horrific discovery of 2,246 fetal remains in abortionist Dr. Klopfer’s Illinois home is appalling & should shock the conscience of every American,“ Vice President Mike Pence said on Twitter. ”While I was Governor of Indiana we took his medical license away & passed a law requiring fetal remains be treated with dignity.”
“His actions should be fully & thoroughly investigated, the remains of the unborn must be treated with dignity & respect & this abortionists defenders should be ashamed. We will always stand for the unborn.”
“The grisly discovery of these fetal remains at the Illinois home of a deceased abortion doctor shocks the conscience. Further, we have reason to believe there is an Indiana connection to these remains,” he said in a statement. Raoul’s office said it has agreed to assist Hill with contacting authorities in Illinois.