Ten GOP candidates for governor of Michigan filed nominating petitions to place their name on the Aug. 2 primary election ballot.
All 10 Republican hopefuls turned in signatures in excess of the 15,000 required by the April 19 filing deadline.
Three of the original 13 declared candidates have dropped out of the race.
The winner of the Aug. 2 primary will earn the right to run against Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, in the Nov. 8 general election.
State GOP communications director Gus Portela told The Epoch Times, “Our large field is a real advantage for us. It speaks volumes about our enthusiasm level that starts with the grassroots on up.
“We have filled rooms on the county convention level. There is an evident enthusiasm gap between us and the Democrats.
“Our polling shows Whitmer can’t even beat a generic Republican. She is vulnerable. We are excited about our chances to unseat her in November,” he said.
Whitmer, who has no primary opponent, has amassed more than $10 million for the fall election campaign in which she hopes to win a second and final four-year term.
Michigan law limits a governor to two four-year terms.
Candidate Kevin Rinke, a suburban Detroit car dealership magnate, has pledged to spend $10 million of his own money to secure the GOP nomination and defeat Whitmer.
Multi-millionaire Perry Johnson, a suburban Detroit businessman and quality control expert, also brings a formidable personal war chest to his campaign.

He recently told The Epoch Times that he is beating Whitmer among independent voters.
Tudor Dixon, one of two women in the GOP primary race, is a conservative news anchor and media personality from west Michigan.

Trump has not yet formally endorsed any of the 10 candidates, but Dixon was the only candidate in the race for governor he mentioned during his speech.
Businesswoman and Trump supporter Donna Brandenburg, small business owner and radio host Michael Markey, Pastor Ralph Rebandt, conservative activist and former township planning commissioner Ryan Kelley, and Michigan State Police captain and former county commissioner Michael Brown are also running.
Brandenburg, who describes herself as a “constitutional conservative,” has been endorsed by General Michael Flynn.
Michael Brown is the only candidate who has served in elective office before. He has the endorsement of Michigan rock icon Ted Nugent.
Pastor Ralph Rebandt of Oakland County told The Epoch Times, “My approach has been to highlight God and our founding principles … I will boldly stand behind the rule of law in our society … My assessment of the morality of the times is that we are at the lowest point in our country’s history.
“The polls show that just about anybody could beat Whitmer right now. I have won more straw polls in Wayne County than any other candidate,” said Rebandt.

Markey said in a statement on his campaign website, “I believe we are all brothers and sisters and neighbors … we’re more alike than different. It’s time to come together, work together, and legislate together.”
Candidate Ryan Kelley stated in an email to The Epoch Times, “I had the boldness and courage to stand up to Whitmer in 2020 and be a voice of freedom for Michigan. I bring that same boldness and courage in my gubernatorial run.
“Other candidates are moderates or want to work the middle. That is where Republicans go to let the left run the show and get their RINO badge,” said Kelley.