Teenagers in the United States are among the top performers in reading proficiency in developed countries, while consistently underperforming the rest of the developed nations in math, according to the latest Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) results.
Run by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), PISA is conducted every three years to compare the performance of 15-year-olds in standardized reading, math, and science tests. About 600,000 students from 79 countries took part in the assessment in 2018, representing 37 OECD countries including the United States and 42 partner countries.

In science, the United States also outperformed the average for all OECD ranked countries. When it came to math skills, however, the U. S. students continued to be outperformed by peers from other developed countries. Out of all 37 OECD countries, only Israel, Turkey, Greece, Chile, Mexico, and Colombia scored less than the United States in the math test. Most of these countries were also the worst performers in reading and science.

Overall, the United States’ 2018 PISA scores remained largely unchanged from when the tests were last given in 2015. They were similar to those of students in Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, and the United Kingdom in at least two of these three subjects.
The top of the 2018 PISA leaderboard is once again dominated by Asian countries. China and Singapore ranked first and second, respectively, in all three domains. China’s score, which was calculated using results from just two of its most developed cities, Beijing and Shanghai, and two of its richest provinces, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, could remotely represent the nation as a whole.