Unvaccinated Chinese Struggle to Get Exemption Forms

Unvaccinated Chinese Struggle to Get Exemption Forms
A child looks on as a woman receives the China National Biotec Group (CNBG) COVID-19 vaccine in Nantong, in China's eastern Jiangsu Province on July 5, 2021. STR/AFP via Getty Images

Despite China’s communist regime stating that the COVID-19 vaccination is voluntary, unvaccinated people are banned from public venues and services. While many were worried about the side effects of the vaccination, others struggled to get a vaccination waiver form.

Mr. Ma (alias), a patient with chronic illnesses, stood in line for three days to get a vaccination exemption form, but didn’t succeed.

Local governments in various parts of China are reportedly implementing various measures to force residents to be vaccinated.

Schools only admit students who are vaccinated. They also require families of students to provide proof of vaccination. Public venues, such as shopping malls, theaters, and markets, all ask customers to have green QR codes that show the person’s vaccination history and negative test results. Public transportation companies require passengers to have green QR codes to get on board.

Mr. Ma is a resident of Jilin City in China’s northeastern Jilin Province. He had surgery two years ago. He has high blood pressure and receives hemodialysis treatments. His doctor determined that he is unfit for vaccination and has written him a medical statement as proof of his inability to take the vaccine.

His doctor’s statement has not helped him.

His child will attend school this autumn. But the school denied his doctor’s letter as proof and directed him to designated hospitals to get a recognized exemption form. The school administration said his child would not be enrolled if he did not present the designated exemption document before the date of enrolment.

In a phone interview with the Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times on Aug. 27, Ma recounted the difficulties he has encountered in trying to get an exemption document.

He said that he went to one of the designated hospitals on three consecutive days (Aug. 24, 25, and 26), but he was not able to get the form because there were so many other people lined up to get it.

“Some people went as early as 3 a.m. in the morning. There must have been over 1,000 people waiting—the parking lot was full of people,” Ma said. But he must try again to get the certificate so that his child can go to school.

Ma felt helpless. “For sick people like me, life now is very troublesome. We have to show proof of exemption before we can enter a market for some vegetables or take a bus,” Ma said, “If we don’t have one, we will be virtually thrown out by staff members.”

The Chinese-language edition of The Epoch Times reached out to two other residents, and they said they had  similar experiences to Ma.

Ms. Xu (an alias) told The Epoch Times on Aug. 26 that local notices require all residents to scan their QR codes before entering public venues or getting any services. “The state authority says vaccination is voluntary; mandatory policies may be from the local authorities,” Xu said.

Xu is from Liaoyuan City of Jilin Province. She said that bus services are generally delayed because all passengers have to scan their health and vaccination QR codes before boarding.

“My mother didn’t want to take it because she was afraid of the side effects. But she was told that she could not get her retirement pension and other welfare if she wasn’t vaccinated. She rushed to take the jab after that,” Xu said.

Ms. Miao (an alias), is a resident of Chaoyang City of China’s northeastern Liaoning Province. She told The Epoch Times on Aug. 26 of her similar experiences when obtaining an exemption.

She said her child’s school asked that her child, and all those living with the child, provide either vaccination proof or an exemption for everyone.

She said that there were many people in the hospitals that issue exemption documents and it took her two days to get the exemption forms for all members of her family.

“I saw four quarrels while waiting for the documents to be completed. It was hot, and everyone was worried and concerned,” she said.

Although the Chinese regime habitually denies its practice of forced vaccination, the CCP’s senior health officials revealed at a press conference that “all those who should be vaccinated must be vaccinated.”

Zheng Zhongwei, director of the Development Center for Medical Science and Technology of the CCP’s Health Commission and head of the CCP’s working team for vaccine development, said at a regular press conference on Aug. 27 “our inactivated vaccine … its youngest recipient is a two-month-old baby.”